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President Obama's Birth Certificate:real Or Fake?

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To be the Chief Executive of an influential and powerful nation like The United States is quite a task, as they maintain the Presidential Form Of Government,they have as their real head and not a nominal one. They have to be careful while electing the president and check to the utmost level possible, about how genuine he and every piece of information about him is.With the rising popularity of the internet,people have started to misuse this medium just to gather attention and visits to what he has posted,even with an issue as sensitive as the origin of the American President.


Not much ago, there was a controversy regarding the birth origin of the present President of the U.S.,Barack Obama, according to some, the U.S. President should be naturally American by birth,Obama's father being from Kenya, he was not a natural American.A few were of the idea,that Obama was born in Kenya.To put a stop on these allegations, Barack Obama's birth certificate was posted.This birth certificate was shown to the public and it was well attested by the Department of Health,Hawaii. Now it was claimed that the documents were fake and this claim had reasons for its support.The claimants said that the certificate was a fabricated one and the original document was manipulated.Further there are some chronological details in the "long form" which were challenged,like the racial details of the father,the name of the hospital,even the nation his father hailed from.Moreover, if the document was opened in Adobe Illustrator as a PDF file, it would show several layers of the document, which proved that their was some changes made in the birth certificate to make it apt.


As an attempt of reputation, some facts were put forward by Snopes,which bring out a different dimension to this whole episode. With a lot of research, they turned the claim down stating it as false. The top officials of the Health Department, Hawaii certified the authenticity of the certificate, which became the first ground of rejecting the claim, also the chronological turmoils were put in order accordingly,the calculation mainly related to the the date of birth of President Obama i.e. 4th of August,1961. Noted software experts also removed the doubts that clouded the Adobe Illustrator part.

The controversy seems to lie down in peace,for now, but is it possible that any fact that is important has gone unnoticed? What do you have to say about this?

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My question is who snopes Snopes? What gives them the ultimate authority? From what I have been hearing lately, Snopes is funded by George Sorros, who is a big Obama supporter. There are just too many inconsistancies in the various renditions and excuses for the birth certificate. And what about all Obama's other personal information? How many have stepped forward and said they went to school with him, or actually knew him from somewhere? Nearly none. Shoot, look how many woman crawled out of the woodwork when Herman Cain was still running for the Republican nomination? I also keep hearing how he went to college on a student visa. If you were a citizen, why would you need a visa? And speaking of collage, where did he get the money to go to collage. Supposedly his mother was raising him with no help from his father, and was for at least a time, on food stamps. Just who paid for his collage education? And not only who paid for it, but it seems Obama has never had a job. Never done any real work. How does that happen?

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This is just the culmination of nonsense by various people who should know better. The birth-certificate only became an issue when (Hilary) Clinton's over-zealous supporters began an email whispering campaign. Even when the certificate was published various 'experts' said that it had been altered. Nutcases like Alex Jones then leapt on it:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ who actually IS an expert (rather than the idiot Jones introduces AS an expert) knows that the whole thing is nonsense based on a poor understaanding of software. The fact that the digital document contains 'artefacts' is not surprising - it is produced on Adobe Illustrator and the software automatically 'slices' the document for OCR in exactly the way we observe - and which Jones's 'expert' thinks provides his 'evidence'.Basic rules apply - don't believe what you read on the web unless it is attributable to a REAL expert.

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I totally agree,whatever is displayed on the internet does not necessarily involve truth, be it the President's birth certificate or any ordinary information, it is advisable to run through various reliable sources to verify its authenticity before rewarding your faith to it.

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