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Making Laws Against Domestic Violence Useful

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Domestic violence against women is prevalent across the world, there are a large number of cases reported these days, not that it never took place in the past but now women have grown conscious about their rights and can stand up against their violation. The most terrible part is that any form of pain is inflicted upon a female by members of her own family. Varied types of abuses such as physical, mental and what not. There are so many provisions in law to safeguard their rights, but why do the offenders not hesitate to indulge into such activities? Possible reasons for this may be that the victims feel reluctant to report to the police, or they might not even be aware of the legal policies, if the people involved are her in-laws then her own parents stand as an obstacle in taking the case to the police or it might be the pressure from the society, whatever the reason, the point that has to be reviewed is how to make a law useful to the people, making a law pass is not enough to solve a problem, like the women are not aware of what provisions are for their help, it is important to educate the womenfolk and instill the fearlessness that is required to face problems like this . The law machinery should make the procedures so simple and transparent to the common lot that no expertise is needed to interpret them. Only if the women are well acquainted with the laws against domestic violence, they would be able to teach the offenders a lesson.

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