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Change In The Process Of Education With Changing Times

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These days people are aware of what challenges their child might have to face in the society,so schools across the world have come up with various ways of how to equip the child with the capacity of handling these troubles. The school is often known as the child's second home and it takes whatever is taught in the school very seriously,this makes the task easier. However, it has to be kept in mind that methods that are effective in imparting situational study, are not commonly used. They are talked about but not used in the same proportion. The reason might be that the usual system of study is essential and we think that our child would face challenges anyways if he doesn't get settled with education in some well known field. Nowadays the problems of terrorism are a common phenomenon, so equipping the child with training for self defence would be a good idea. It would bring physical fitness and the zeal to maintain it, training for patriotism would develop an attitude of serving the mother land in the child, vocational training is also highly helpful as the interests of the child become clear and the child discovers a path that is best suited for him, training for basic level medical assistance helps the child specially in times of disaster.There are a lot more but these are some of the best known methods of arming the child to protect himself and lets say others too, these actually are not extra curricular but are very necessary considering the change in the society.

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