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Strokeit - Mouse Gesture Software For Windows

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Strokeit runs in the taskbar and it lets you right click to draw commands. Basically, you hold the right click button and draw letters, numbers, directions, and variations. It comes with some actions already configured. There are Global Actions, which work for anything, and actions for other programs.


Strokeit is very customizable and you can add programs for it to work with (or make it so it won't work with them) and you can even "teach" it new gestures. Each gesture can be programed to do a lot of things--reading down the list:


New e-mail, open website, run e-mail client, run browser, send hotkey, password, send keystrokes, on screen display, run program, strokeit - command editor, strokeit - disable, strokeit - learn gestures, strokeit - close, strokeit - temporarily disable, play sound, activate window, maximize or restore window, minimize, move, resize, and a few others.


If you just leave it how it is, it may seem like a waste, but if you configure it a lot you can make your day on the computer a lot easier. It also doesn't take up much memory. Right now it's using 312k.

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Using the mouse a lot is not good and this software makes it worse. So I suggest keyboard shortcuts. That's better for your health. Believe me. If you are happy with it then no problem. Go ahead and use it. It's nice someone makes software like that. :D

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Using the mouse a lot is not good and this software makes it worse. So I suggest keyboard shortcuts. That's better for your health. Believe me. If you are happy with it then no problem. Go ahead and use it. It's nice someone makes software like that. :D


I absolutely agree with you that's true. Really, I am graphic designer and I work every day for 8 hours straight on computer (mac & PC) and anyway I work very much with mouse, specially when I airbrush in photoshop, etc... It's pretty hard to work that every day, my hands already hurt me... So I suggest also like caunte24 said, to use keyboard shortcuts more...


Anyway related to that "using the mouse a lot is not good" there may be a risk of serious physical injuries from working at your computer workstation... There is some studies that have suggested that long periods of typing, using mouse, and specially improper workstation setup, incorrect work habbits, may be linked to injuries and these injuries could include carpal tunner syndrome, tendinitis, tenosynovitis, and other muscuoloskeletal disorders... Symptoms of injuries may be felt during typing or using your mouse, or at other times when no work with the hands is being performed, including during the night when there symptoms might awaken you - like strong pain in your neck, and back...


So, some general rules to make your computer-freak-life easier:


1.st - Don't rest your palms on a work surface below keyboard while typing (you must have straight, neutral wrist position while typing - go get a nice good chair)


2.nd - Give your eyes frequent breaks. Periodically look away from monitor and focuas at a distant point. (don't drag your eyes from monitor to TV :D )


3.rd - Properly position your monitor and adjust its angle


4.th - Position your mouse device immediately to the right or left of your keyboard. Mouse and keyboard should be at the same levels of height.


5.th - Don't cradle your phone between your ear and shoulder! - Now this is my favorite I do it all the times, anyway it's wrong.


6.th - Keep your wrist in a straight, neutral position when using your pointing device. Don't angle your wrist when using your pointing device.



So that's for now all main and primary rules of comfort while working with computer at home or in office...



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According to that list you have, I should be blind and have carpal tunnel syndrome several times. I should probably go outside. For once. You know, just to see what all the fuss is about. >_>

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