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Im Grounded For Going All the way! How To Get Ungrounded!?

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im 13 and so my dad walked in on me and my bf!!! i didnt tell him i had a boyfriend cuz im not really allowed to date and also cuz he HATES him soo much. he didnt say anything just walked out of the room and my bf snuck out of the back door. after he left i stayed in my room for a while cuz i was really scared to go out. after a while i came out of my room and my dad started yelling at me and calling me a *BLEEP* and a **** and other bad stuff he was really mad and said i would be grounded for a really long time but he didnt give me the date. i cant go anywhere only to school and i have to come straight home no phone tv or other fun stuff :( he let me use the computer cuz i need it for homeworkwhat should i do to get him to unground meplease help!!

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