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Red Abstract Wallpaper I created this @ 3am

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So, a night of hard essay writing, i nearly fell asleep...snore...and then i got a rush of imagination and i created these in 3ds max. Believe i, abstract is cool but it doesn't take any skill (in my opinion), i was just messing around with reflection yadda yadaa. I like the reflection this time.


Comment on it if you must, negative/positive i don't care. I like the lighting i did this time! I should design something else, anybody experienced in 3ds feel frre to help me! Oh yeh, how would i create a wallpaper that looked like the mac one blue?


This wallpaper i made isquite boring now, but if i added some scanlines and text you know the usual then it would look cool. Anybody, edit if you want i want to see someone make something good ftom it! ;) \



- Jasper

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Cool stuff. For those who haven't done much with graphics it is something really great. You might not think it is that good because you know that you can do better. ;)

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ok well, i dont know but im not overly impressed sorry to say, its just an 3d abstract image, still its a good job and you should keep up with it random images might create something very artisitc. but i was wondering what program you used for it.

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Oh my gosh, that's so beautiful. Actually, I'd prefer if it were a different color since red isn't exactly for me....but that's still really amazing. You say abstractism doesn't take skill, but maybe it's just easy for you? I'm such a direct person, I can't do abstracts. >_> It's like, my ability prevents me from doing so and it pisses me off because I love abstractions. They're so fun and enjoyable to look at. But yeah, I really wish I could do that...it look absolutly amazing. I gotta get 3ds max...too bad i'm too poor to get it =(

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I don't usually create abstract, i also like creating weird faces, i was working on a monkey sort thing but it messed up. It's not really abstract - its random. Oh yeh, i use 3ds max.

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