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Buzzing Sound Is there a fly in the forums?

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About 20% of the time, when I'm on the forums, I hear a buzzing sound, intermittantly. It sounds just like a fly buzzing around in here. I'm afraid to stay in the forums when that happens, since I don't know what it means. If you know what causes this, please let me know. ;) TIA,Suz

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That's wierd. Very wierd. Nothing of that sort has happened with me. It could be a flash ad with sound or something. Whenever you notice that sound again, just check the whole page for a flash advertisement. ;)

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i hate those kind of ads so much. theres also one with camera noises that gets really annoying. it is specially annoying when you are listening to music and all the sudden you get some stupid fly ad making a ton of noise.

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I suggest the following two methods to get rid of popup adverts....


If you're using Firefox, download the Adblock plugin. You can just click on flash adverts (or any adverts at all) and itll block every advert from that server (or whatever). Its very good, I'd recommend it!

Available here: http://adblock.mozdev.org/


One more thing: create a file called "hosts" in

- Windows 95 / 98 / ME: C:\Windows
- Windows NT: C:\WinNT\hosts
- Windows 2000: C:\WinNT\system32\drivers\etc\
- Windows XP: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\

And copy the list of ad servers available at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Paste the list into your hosts file and you're done... Ad Hosting servers (advertising.com, doubleclick etc) will be banned from your pc! Cool, huh?

This works regardless of your browser or settings.

Full information available at: http://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/

I use both, I get hardly any adverts due to the second method, and those I do get get blocked with the firefox extension. Lovely.

Hope this helps someone....

- Vacant

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Yes...that advertisement is quite annoying...I could be at peace with myself if it were just removed, but that isn't in Trap 17's power, is it? (I'm assuming the advertisement network takes care of that, in which case, we should petition against this atrocity ;) )

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I suggest the following two methods to get rid of popup adverts....




If you're using Firefox, download the Adblock plugin. You can just click on flash adverts (or any adverts at all) and itll block every advert from that server (or whatever). Its very good, I'd recommend it!


Available here: http://adblock.mozdev.org/



One more thing: create a file called "hosts" in


    - Windows 95 / 98 / ME: C:\Windows

    - Windows NT: C:\WinNT\hosts

    - Windows 2000: C:\WinNT\system32\drivers\etc\

    - Windows XP: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\


And copy the list of ad servers available at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


Paste the list into your hosts file and you're done... Ad Hosting servers (advertising.com, doubleclick etc) will be banned from your pc! Cool, huh?


This works regardless of your browser or settings.


Full information available at: http://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/

I use both, I get hardly any adverts due to the second method, and those I do get get blocked with the firefox extension. Lovely.


Hope this helps someone....


- Vacant


WOW! Thanks for the great idea. :P


Also thanks to all who responded about the fly. That ad should really be yanked. I'm sure I'm not the only sissy who gets scared right off the boards when it comes on. I never saw the ad--just heard the noise and made my escape, cussing the whole time. From now on, I'll just hang in there (until I get this ad blocker set up). ;)



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