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Racism On A Forum reasons to avoid racism

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Some thoughts about racism online




It should not be accepted on Xisto


Lets suppose calling the people of a nation lazy can be considered racism. A negative annotion is glued to the persons, who live in a certain country. In some societies and by some people discrimination is seen like a bad thing to do. Discrimination is seen like treating people based on some of their qualities in stead of a treatment based on their activities. And some people can't hold responsible for the qualities they own. Like the colour of the skin of a person is not chosen by most people. And the country some person lives in is not the result of some choises and actions of this person. When all persons of a country are mentioned in a bad way this involves persons, who don't show this way of behaviour. There are other reasons to refrain from discrimination. Even when a person using a computer might think it is impossible to trace him down and that nobody will find his name and address it can still be something that has to do with common sense to stay polite online.

Edited by Eza (see edit history)

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what race are you? your post was no doubt made by stalking me and trolling my threads again. it was about trying to find outsources and i was hearing that people from india were lazy. now listen, that wasn't anything to do with being racist nor was it a racist remark. if anything the original people who say it might be, but it isn't me.you're right. Xisto should not tolerate racism. but ks should also not tolerate spammers and trollers and stalkers. they still do because they have no control in this forum anymore. your lucky that people don't get to vote members off this forum because you woulda been gone as early as december of last year, only a couple months after you signed up here.you know why you're still here? because you haven't broken any rules. you can be as ignorant as you want and post the most nonsense things on the threads and that is within the rules. but as a productive member? you are not.i know a lot of hard working indians personally and i was highly considering hiring some recently until i found some reviews of their outsourcing services in general.....and yes, they were referred to as lazy. not my words. so how am i a racist exactly? :) so that knoweldge combined with my personal knowledge with dell outsourcing their call centers to india where you can barely understand their accents, i think i made a wise choice. is that racism? i don't think so. if it is, and i should have gone with indians, then i would be neglecting the philipinos. someone has to lose. in this case it was indiai love most people. but not fake people like you who hide behind a computer screen trying to decieve people. believe me, i am now watching every post you make now just to defend myself because i know exactly what you are trying to do within the rules of the forum. at the same time, it is my intention to tell everyone what kind of person you are so they know to stay away from you and not to put an ounce of trust in to anything you say.look at your profile rating for gosh sakes. it's at 2 stars out of 5. the users have spoken out against you. when the average rating is 4-5. 3 is below average and 2? well two stars is just a disgusting rating in my opinion. it's one step above the lowest level.let me give you a piece of sound advice i learned a long time ago. it's not who we think we are, it's what other people think we are. we can go through our life in a dream like state thinking we are fine or not giving off the wrong impression. the truth is, we can learn a lot about ourselves through other people responses towards us and reactions towards us. maybe it's time you start looking in the mirror and keeping your own self in check. i have a 20% warning level right now because of my responses towards you, but nothing....and i mean NOTHING will stop me from warning people about you. not the mods or the admins. it's the principle of the thing. i hate people who come on the forum to deceive people. we already know how you have your two other counting which one was BANNED. it didn't stop the mods from allowing you this account though with another email account nor have you ever denied this fact. you talk about how rascism should not be tolerated here, which is true, but should people who are banned on one account be allowed to create fake accounts? in my opinion NO! common sense dictates that should not be allowed. you have a two star rating and 5 wisdom flags? how is that even possible?!? most people on this forum who have posted more than you and have given better quality content have less than 5. hardly anyone even uses the wisdom flag feature. seems to me, you are upping your wisdom flags with your other fake account because there is no way this is a coincidence. your just trying to deceive people all around to paint a picture than what you really are. all those wisdom flags also came around the same exact time a while ago then mysteriously stopped. they weren't even spread out over time.keep posting your nonsense indirectly about me and i will jump at the chance to respond EVERY SINGLE TIME. in the end, who do you think will be more credible? your in a no win situation right now unless you change your thinking and start producing more productive posts and stop lying about who you are through fake wisdom flags which you can control with your other accounts, fake pictures, and trying to single me out as a racist and someone who should not be complaining about the "free" service xisto offers in the other threads you posted about me indirectly. i have a lot of friends here eza and not one of them who knows me will feed in to those lies that you indirectly tell about me. i am not worried about that, but i WILL continue to tell the truth about YOU though. i don't even know why you still stick around. it's almost like your grasping for attention or something.....but that's another story i might want to tell in an indirect post about YOU one day so i don't get warned again by being cruel. was i too obvious in setting the background to one of my future posts? i hope not.....and btw- i had to edit this post to not the fact that you stated racism shouldn't be allowed on Xisto, although that is true, you limited it to this forum alone while racism should not have to be tolerated ANYWHERE. i hope that is what you really meant.....

Edited by anwiii (see edit history)

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