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Age Disparity In Friendships Extreme Disparity

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Nothing is known of a person merely on account of how long that person has been alive, and this even extends to include his or her real age. Not to be ageist is to respect the fact that there will always be exceptions to given trends of being. My age is 56, and the age of my female best friend 18, and this is solely for reasons of the greatest possible `empistry`, chemistry plus empathy. We have enough in common that we propose cycling England, around one thousand miles, next summer, taking it that we manage to stop talking first, of course!!Young people especially tend to be very weak on their instincts/determining character when pondering potential friendships/eventual dates.The nurturing process, when supported by both the media and society as it is, rather puts pay to keen instincts. From a teenagers prospedtive then, sixteen/twenty, and under circumstances where you on the receiving end are discovered to be more than a specific and predetermined number of years the senior, well, it`s generally considered too risky. Should however you of course just happen to be inside of that predetermined limit, more-so of around the same years, but what-so-ever be your true nature, sociopath or not, it`s generally considered relatively safe. The other determining factors are personality and appearance, and these can, and very often successfully do, hide everything of what`s going on within. The specific point I`d wish to make here is that a significantly older friend should be much more likely to, at least under those circumstances detached from associations, be able to pick-up characteral traits which would otherwise in all probability go masked by personality. There is a sixth sense, if you will, the product of time x caring (an environment of), with the power to save a friend both suffering and life. In addition to this, friendship mimicry is a fantastic tool for getting inside of another`s head!!Should your circumstances of disparity concern an older male over pending friendship, it is most positive to that friendship that the procreation imperative declines with the years. Lustful emotion is the material only of egoistic and double edged self love. Genuine friendship, and its love, requires more than merely time alone, it requires the presents of a third party before it can be entirely tested.http//:http://www.celebritydiscodave.co.uk/

Edited by celebritydiscodave (see edit history)

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Solely statistically speaking, the ideal age for the man is around five years the junior of the women, as women live longer and mature earlier. Nature could be considered in other respects too, and the statistical balance may still be in favour of there being a greater need for the male requiring to find the female sexually attractive, rather than the reverse.

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There is no limit in friendship, even the age. As long as you can go along well with each other. It is sun to befriend with someone older than you because you get wisdom from that person base on his/her experience and you learn from it. It also nice to be friend with younger person or even a child because they remind you to not take life too seriously and to have fun once in a while.

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