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Sydney Harbour Bridge Closed - Traffic Comes To A Stand Still Man Closes Bridge to get heard

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Morning All, don't know if it was world news but it make breaking news here in Australia this morning, at aproximately 6am today, Sydney Harbour Bridge was closed to all traffic, this was due to a man climbing to the top of the bridge to hand 2 banners "PLZ help my kids" & " Kids First", these banners were in relation to the fact that the man had just faced a divorce and was concerned by the lack of support offered but the Department of Community Services DOCS and other government agencies to assist and support Children who are also part of the family break down, It took Police just under an hour to talk the man down from the top of the bridge and then several more minutes to clear the rope from which he had absailed down from the top of the bridge, before traffic could be allowed back on to one of Sydney's main transport links. While on the bridge he made a call to a local Sydney Radio Station to voice his concerns about the lack of support offered to children who are experiencing family breakdowns saying that the government bodies only interviened when it was too late either the children were in harms way or acting out and going down a parth that they were not before the family break down.the Man was arrested and taken away to await charges, the minister for transport told reporters that closing the Bridge for just over an Hour would effect traffic and commuters around Sydney for many hours and that the Man's attempt to get his opinion heard was weakend by the fact that police and other officials had acted so quickly to remove him from further danger and to prevent him causing more choas. either way the man who was knows to both Police and DOCS seemed to have succeded in getting part of his message out and for what its worth i think his message is a very valid one, Hopefully the Australian Media will give this man an opportunity to get into his situation more and hopefully educate some of the power players in the support services to Sit up and Take a look at the situation at large for families and childern effected by family breakdown.I'd be keen to see what charges are laid about this man and what sentencing a judge would consider. If more info comes to light I'll keep you all posted as I think this cause if one worth following......for more info check out



its made headline news there and just about every other media source as well.

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well good for him. i am glad when people can stand out to get noticed. usually it takes something as extreme as he did for people to actually realize things. sounds like he had it planned by calling the media. i am sure it will get more coverage and he'll get soem interviews out of this.as far as him not getting the attention he wanted because law enforcement was quick on the scene, i doubt that is the case. he came down on his own free will. he wasn't dragged down. this was his plan and part of his plan was knowing when it was time to come down. i think he succeeded in his cause for now.as far as getting arrested, there may be some fines or even small jail time involved, but i think it's worth it. people are lazy in this world to see what is going on around them. they are too preoccupied in their own life to even notice anything or care about anything other than their own life.too bad he was alone in this crusade. i think it would have held a bigger impact if he had a few more people up there with him.as far as his sentencing and what the judge will see? he wasn't endagering anyone but himself. the judge doesn't make the laws, he just interpets them so my bet is he'll get the minimum fine as long as this guy doesn't create a specticle of himself in the courtroom and promises not to do it again :) and if he has not been known to do things in the past. to sentence him to anything but the minimum required by law will make the judge look bad like he doesn't care at all about the children from disruptive or broken homes.plus, whatever the punishment can't even be considered a punishment if somehow what he did helps other children.....

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Congradulations to the guy for having the guts to do something outragous, and even dangerous to himself to bring attention to social problems. He should get a medal and not a fine or jail time, but I'm sure the government will find some silly or obscure law to charge him with. Obstructing traffic, demonstrating without a permit or some such garbage. Even if the police got him down quickly, I would think that he definatly had the time to get his point across. And I think Anwii is right too, if any judge gave him a harsh sentence, that judge will not be looked upon favoribly by any children's advacasy groups ever again. Lets hope this rather brave and daring stunt actually does help kids. Please do keep us posted as to what happens. I would be curious as to the outcome. Hope they don't punish him too severly.

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