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Computer Guideline Help Requesting to be a Sticky

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Need computer help? If you would follow these guidelines I'm sure that would make the experience much quicker for us all. Below will be common solutions to common problems, as well as info that would be good to provide if you are going to post about a certain topic.



If You Are Considering Posting A Help Me Topic:


-Search Google first


-Be prepared to use punctuation and at least 6th grade level grammer and spelling if you want us to help you.


-Make sure there isn't anothe thread detailing similar problems already, no need for repeat threads.



If you are having trouble getting a specific piece of hardware to work


-Have you checked the manufacturer's site for updates and information? If not, find out the model number of your part and search the site of the creator for updates.


-Do you have the latest Drivers? If not, get the model number of the part and search online for drivers, starting with the manufacturer's site.


-Have you read through all documentation to check for possible solutions? Many people skip over instructions.


-Have you scanned for viruses? Some viruses can cause irregular behaviour.


-Does windows detect it? If not, then make sure you have updated drivers and that you are using the write port and cord. Make sure your port is working properly.


-Is your port working properly? If not, then try to use a different port. If you use a PS2 mouse and your PS2 port is broken, get an adapter that lets you use it with USB.


-Has windows or a program given you any specific error messages? If so, please tell us the error message when posting about your problem, or even take a picture of it using the print screen button, then upload it with http://uploadit.org/



If a certain piece of software does not work:


-Do the required hardware components, such as a CDRW drive while using Nero, have the latest drivers? If not, then update your drivers and then try the software again.


-Did you get it from a reliable source? If not, it may simply be a hoax program used to spread viruses or be an incomplete, non-working version.


-Do you have a virus or other file that may be conflicting with your system? These can often cause problems with software. Scan your system with a virus scanner.


-Did it install correctly? If not, try re-installing. If you get any error messages, write them down and tell us when posting about the problem.



If you think you have a virus:


-What irregular symptoms are you noticing? Please be detailed.


-Do you use a virus scanner / have you scanned for viruses? If not, it's best that you do.


-Has your anti-virus given you any messages? If so, have you gone to its website to look for additional information and / or how to remove it?


-Have any irregular messages appeared on your screen? Many viruses are harmless and display characters or text on the screen. Others will display messages that we can use to identify them.


-Do you know the name of the virus? If so, telling us would be very helpful.


-Start > Run 'msconfig' Is there anything suspicious on the startup list? Try disabling it and seeing if the problem persists.


-Go to task manager. IS there anything suspicious running? Try disabling it and seeing if the problem persists.



If you are experiencing random restarts:


-Is your computer overheating? If so, consider a new fan or additional fans. Make sure your CPU fan in properly mounted. Keep your computer is a place where it my receive good ventilation, not covered it 20 blankets.


-Have you recently installed new hardware? This may be too big of a load on your power supply, or if it's something such as a sound card, it could be causing conflicts within your system. Consider adding up how much power every componet in your system is drawing from the power supply and comparing that to the wattage of your power supply. Also try removing any recently installed hardware and substituing a working component or using nothing in its place if it is something such as a NIC or sound card. Does the problem persist?


-Do you have a Virus? If so, refer to the 'Do you thinky ou have a virus?' section



If your computer seems slow:


-Have you scanned for spyware? Use these two programs to do so:




-Do you have a virus? If so, it could be slowing down processes or sending information throught he internet. If so, refer to the virus section.


-Do you have a low amount of ram? If so, you should try to free as much as it as possible. Common ways to do this are to use start > run 'msconfig' to disable things from starting as your computer boots up, disabling services and clearing out currently running tasks and processes. Refer to the link for services.



-Have you defragmented your harddrive recently? If not, start > programs > accessories > system tools > Disk defragmenter.




Hope this help, I'll probably add more later.

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