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My Site's Space Dropped

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Yesterday, my space was around 50 megs used up, but today it's dropeed to 14 megs, all the files are still there, what happened? It's not like it's a bad thing, but I'm wondering if it will jump up later or what it will do. Also, my bandwidth has almost doubled, but that could be because of increase in viewing. Have any of you experienced something like this?

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The only thing i came up with is that you're account has been updated. You're sure you didn't ask for a upgrade or something. Or maybe opaque did it by mistake ;):P. But if your space used goes up and you didn't add or install anything than you should conact the admin about that.

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My bandwidth dropped suddenly... I had about 3000 and then the next day I had 1000 over bandwidth..Plus I don't really get any visitors.. I don't mind though because that means I don't have to update until next month lol.. YAY

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