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War Heroes

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I just wanted to know about some of the war heroes from around the world that everyone here knows about. I know of a few, although i can't recall most of their names. There was an American soldier in WW2 that had his left leg pretty much blown off. He was all alone because his buddies were all dead and he managed to kill over 50 Germans by himself and still make it out alive. There was a German in WW2, on the Eastern front that had survived a mass attack by the Russians, and he was the only one to do so in his group. Everyone else was dead. Well, he manned all of the anti-tank canons and took out tank after tank while running from one canon, reloading then firing, then to the next canon and so on. The Russians thought they were up against hundreds of Germans, but no, just one crazy bastard. He held off the tanks for days, until reinforcements came to his aid. He took out somewhere in the area of 40 tanks by himself. For a more recent one, there was an American Marine in Iraq (lost the article so I don't remember his name). He was a Captain leading a group of Humvees through the streets when they were ambushed. Down the street from them was a machine gun nest that was firing like hell, and in the surrounding buildings there were Iraqis with guns. He told all the humvees but his to find cover. He ordered his hummer to charge the machine gun nest. The 50.cal gunner on the top of the hummer killed the machine gun nest, but then the Cpt ordered to ram into the enemy trench, so they did. He went by himelf into the trench armed only with his M-16 and a 45colt. He killed the enemies until his M-16 was out of ammo, then killed as many more as possible with his 45. he then grabbed an enemy AK, killed until it was out, grabbed another and killed more. He then grabbed a dead Iraqi's RPG and peeked around the trench's corner to see a group of Iraqis waiting for him. he popped out around the corner just long enough to blow them all up with a rocket. After all was done, over 25 iraqis lay dead, and another 20 lay wounded. For this he earned the Navy Cross (one step below Medal of Honor). There...Now list ones you know of.

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