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How To Get The User's Browser And Operating System's Informations Tutorial to get and show on your webpage , the users browser and

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Hi to all
After a long time , i came today with a script that will help you get and show the users browse and os informations on your webpage.
Here we go:

<?php$agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $browserArray = array(        'Windows Mobile' => 'IEMobile','Android Mobile' => 'Android','iPhone Mobile' => 'iPhone','Firefox' => 'Firefox',        'Google Chrome' => 'Chrome',        'Internet Explorer' => 'MSIE',        'Opera' => 'Opera',        'Safari' => 'Safari'); foreach ($browserArray as $k => $v) {    if (preg_match("/$v/", $agent)) {         break;    } else { $k = "Browser Unknown";    }} $browser = $k;$osArray = array(        'Windows 98' => '(Win98)|(Windows 98)',        'Windows 2000' => '(Windows 2000)|(Windows NT 5.0)','Windows ME' => 'Windows ME',        'Windows XP' => '(Windows XP)|(Windows NT 5.1)',        'Windows Vista' => 'Windows NT 6.0',        'Windows 7' => '(Windows NT 6.1)|(Windows NT 7.0)',        'Windows NT 4.0' => '(WinNT)|(Windows NT 4.0)|(WinNT4.0)|(Windows NT)','Linux' => '(X11)|(Linux)','Mac OS' => '(Mac_PowerPC)|(Macintosh)|(Mac OS)'); foreach ($osArray as $k => $v) {    if (preg_match("/$v/", $agent)) {         break;    } else { $k = "Unknown OS";    }} $os = $k;// Now you can do whatever you wanna do with the users browser and os informations for exampleecho '<h1>User Browser and Operating System</h1>';echo $agent;echo "<h2>You are using: <em>$browser - $os</em></h2>";?>

Try the code and if you do like it , they drope me a thank ;)

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I always prefer JS behind the site's background for knowing this information. Infact most of the analytics site use this method to understand the user and browser behavior. I never came across any script that shows browser information using PHP code or java code. So thanks for sharing this on forum.

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