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So, did anybody watch the new Sarah Palin's Alaska show that started last night? I can't believe I changed over from a Harry Potter movie to watch it! I guess I'm getting weird in my old age. Anyway, I thought it was pretty good, sort of a National Geographic/All in the Family type cross. They went salmon fishing, and then later, rock climbing. They got to watch some bears fighting, and the scenic views were really good. Lots of good, practical advice, like stay the heck away from bears when they challenge your for a fishing spot. She also gave a lot of interesting Alaska facts, like it is so big if you explored 600 acres every day it would take you 900 years to explore the whole state. And how there are very few roads in Alaska, nearly everybody gets around by plane. So anyway, today I heard some envornmental group is calling for a boycott of the show. Kind of surprised me, I thought the show was pretty enviornmentally friendly. So what do you all think?

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Anything with sarah palin in it is threat to america. lol. little bit far fetched but truth. I'm not conservative and i can see through sarah palin's moves easily. Her random claims and fox network behind her every campaign justifies everything. Keeping this aside, not sure why environmentalist wants to attack on the show. It's not any bible lover lady like her is going to attack on animals and environment. me too curious about all this.

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Anything with sarah palin in it is threat to america.

Wow, how do you figure that? Just curious. Yes, she is without a doubt very religious, and what I suppose you could call a conservative. But golly gee, don't we need some conservatives to balance out the nut cases on the far left???? (or far right, whichever nut jobs you prefer)

Watched it again this past sunday, they were on a commercial fishing ship, and they have to club the fish when they pull it on the boat so it doesn't flop around and bruise up it's own meat. I suspect the animal rights people will be screaming over that one now.

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:D that is because she never ever talks with reason.Her attacks are always on person instead of ideology. She is racist, religious, too much conservative and she gives nothing positive to this world. Balance out far right ? ehm, there used to be many conservative people in US with less extreme views than her. Why she should be in politics to balance out anyone ? i don't see any nut job from conservative or non-conservative parties to which she can balance. She is one of her kind. All that she offers is stagnation of thoughts, personal attack on others and those evil looks and result is nothing. Even glenn beck cartoon offers some entertainment, sarah is a queen of negativity and dumbness.

I suspect the animal rights people will be screaming over that one now.

I don't think animal rights people attack just like that. Most of the times they come up with some valid argument. Not sure what's the hoopla in this case.

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I'd love to see a racist comment or what makes you think she is a racist. I certainly won't argue she is religious, and conservative. The negativity I have seen coming from her is in her frankness and calling a spade a spade. (and no, I don't mean that as racist comment, it's just an old saying) Also I listened to her on her show and on another interview and she has a pretty low opinion of the media and their attacks on her children. It is just the nature of a mother to protect her kids. I certainly can't hold that against her. Do you really think it's fair to attack her children?(or any children for that matter.) A commedian that made fun of any other down's syndrome child would most likely be run off the stage, yet the media delights in trashing her boy. And how many thousands of rebelious teenagers have made the same mistake as her daughter? I think they have used that in a very positive way, with the daughter speaking to other teenages, in hopes that they don't make the same mistake. Ok, so, tell me, how conservative do you have to be to be a conservative? If you are just a little conservative, then would you be liberal??? Politics, labeles and all that do leave me scratching my head, no doubt. I don't think Sara is one of a kind. I think a lot of people think like her. They are just afraid to admit it! It takes real guts to stand up for what you believe in and not back down and not worry about what other people think. You have to give her credit for that at least.

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