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Rally To Restore Sanity/keep Fear Alive

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Did anyone here go to the Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive? If you don't don't know what I'm talking about, I'm referring to the rally that John Stewart and Stephen Colbert had on the National Mall in Washington D.C. There were many famous people who showed up. The Roots (a band) played as well as Ozzy Osbourne, Sheryll Crow and a bunch of other people.As for me, I was planning to go to the rally with a bunch of my friends. The night before, we made a plan to leave at 10:30 am. Since the rally started at noon, we figured that we had enough time to catch the Metro (subway system) and make it to DC. However, the next morning, we stopped for breakfast and by the time we finished, it was 11 am. So we thought, "Whatever, we'll still make it". As we were getting off the bus at the Metro station, there was a MASSIVE line. Just to get into the station, the line went up the stairs leading inside, through a parking garage, out the parking garage, and about half a mile down the sidewalk. We just looked at the line and got back on the bus. We figured that even if we waited in line to get to the Metro, we still had to get tickets and if we got there, we probably would not have been able to see much. And plus, the lines to get back would have been horrendous. So we ended up coming back to my friend's room and watched the rally on his TV.I have to say, the rally was a tad boring in the beginning, but I really enjoyed John Stewart's speech at the very end. Overall, the rally was a huge success. Many reports estimate the crowd size at around 217,000 people. That's amazing. Glenn Beck's rally only pulled about 86,000 people. But yea, did anyone here attend the rally?

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Excuse me if i sound uninformed about this. But what's this -rally to keep sanity or for fear ? is this for real ? i mean "to keep fear alive". Keep fear alive for what ? any political party ? or for some religious assumptions ? What's fear has to do with rally ? is this similar to glenn beck and FOX channel preaching ?

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Excuse me if i sound uninformed about this. But what's this -rally to keep sanity or for fear ? is this for real ? i mean "to keep fear alive". Keep fear alive for what ? any political party ? or for some religious assumptions ? What's fear has to do with rally ? is this similar to glenn beck and FOX channel preaching ?

No worries. Here's a link for clarification: Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear

Basically, it was a satire of Glenn Beck's rally. And I'm sure, in the early stages of planning, it was meant as such. However, as many people began to grow interest for said rally, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, I'm sure, tried to make the rally a bit more serious. This rally took place on October 30th and it was only a few miles from me. It's a shame it was too crowded. :(

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No worries. Here's a link for clarification: Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear
Basically, it was a satire of Glenn Beck's rally. And I'm sure, in the early stages of planning, it was meant as such. However, as many people began to grow interest for said rally, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, I'm sure, tried to make the rally a bit more serious. This rally took place on October 30th and it was only a few miles from me. It's a shame it was too crowded. :(

LOL. i misunderstood first with glenn beck's another rally. first i thought it's about similar preaching to that of glenn beck. Good to see that such satire got some crowd. Not sure why you think it's shame to be crowded. It's fun even though you can't be inside rally. Atleast you had outside it right ?

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LOL. i misunderstood first with glenn beck's another rally. first i thought it's about similar preaching to that of glenn beck. Good to see that such satire got some crowd. Not sure why you think it's shame to be crowded. It's fun even though you can't be inside rally. Atleast you had outside it right ?

No what I meant was that it was 11 am when my friends and I got to the train station to go to Washington D.C. The line was ridiculously long, just to get into the station, and we still hadn't bought tickets. So if we had waited in line, we wouldn't have made it to the rally. I was ok with it being crowded, just getting good placement would have been impossible.

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