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Am I A Sadist? Waterboarding mystery fun

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Recently the BBC weeed their collective panties over this story. The gist of the story is: evil Americans have been torturing poor terror suspects in lovely Poland (lol, incorrect adjectives ftw).

Needless to say the European Union (home of the unofficially elected Belgian scrounging politician) had just the person to comment on the issue: Thomas Hammarberg, the Council of Europe's Commissioner on Human Rights (the same council that ignored the genocide of 8000 Bosnian Muslims under the watchful eye of 400 useless Dutch soldiers and a whole continent of cowards). Thomas Hammarberg (or Hammers, as I like to call him) said he believed terror suspects had been subjected to intense torture, and called for the CIA involved to be prosecuted.

Now, just to confirm, the people being tortured in lovely Poland by evil Americans werent Pakistani youths from Sheffield, nor were they over-zealous left-wing bloggers of Arabic descent: they were men on Americas most wanted list for the planning of 9/11 and other atrocities- namely Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (commonly seen sporting an ill-fitting vest that makes him look like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force).

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was subjected to 183 applications of the waterboard in a single month, one of the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques. In an interview in which Khalid Sheikh Mo-ham talked of his torture, he described his waterboarding experience:
I was placed upside down on a vertical bed and a cloth was put over my mouth on to which water was poured. It felt like I was drowning as I struggled to breathe
To which I could only respond: awesome.

In this story the emphasis should be placed entirely on the issue of Poland. Weve already confirmed the torture part and we know how the CIA roll. The only thing we need to hear about is whether the CIA is justified in using Poland as a base for torture (to which I kind of thought, so what?). Yet the main emphasis of the article seemed to be about the brutal torture of a terrorist. (To which I kind of thought, so what?)

Am I wrong in my thinking? Is it weird for me to find Amnesty Internationals efforts farcical? I personally dont believe everyone is entitled to human rights, and that our planet is- in the words of rock star and hunter Ted Nugent: tooth and claw. If you commit an atrocity (like 9/11) and are confirmed to have been in any way involved in its planning: you deserve to be punished in whatever manner the CIA sees fit.

But don't take my infallible word for it, why not form your own opinion and then preach it in the posting space below this topic? Ciao! ;)

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Wow, I can't believe this post has been here this long and nobody has touched it! Is everybody chicken or what? :) Ok, I'll be brave and jump in here. This is my take on the subject.In this country we are presumed innocent until proven guilty. But once someone is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be guilty, as far as I am concerned, all bets are off. And in the case of known terrorists, when they are known to be involved with or actually be persons who are trying to kill innocent people, I have no sympathy left for them what so ever. If water boarding gets information out of them that will save innocent lives, I say go for it. So...no, I don't think you are a sadist. Unless of course, we both are. :)

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And this is the problem...What would i do to a known terrorist? Hah, waterboarding would be like a holiday, they would sincerely wish to die many times a year only for me to nurse them back to health and start all over again. They wouldnt be killed, they would die of old age but beg for death every day ;)However.... Are these people known terrorists? Nope.America sees the taliban sending out leaflets containing propaganda, and yet when the US press starts with its headlines "TERRORIST" "EVIL MASTERMIND" and so on.. that is just propaganda.I agree, a terrorist has no human rights, but then what are the "allied" forces doing in guantanamo bay and other such torture and interrogation areas? Are they not using terror as a weapon? And what does a terrorist do?*shrugs*I am not excusing the taliban or any other terrorists, but America gave Osama Bin Laden the guns he uses today so your sheet isnt so clean either ;)

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I agree, a terrorist has no human rights, but then what are the "allied" forces doing in guantanamo bay and other such torture and interrogation areas? Are they not using terror as a weapon? And what does a terrorist do?

Yes, you are absolutly right. I would say they were using torture to gain information from the prisoners there. I suspect it's like the old say, use fire to fight fire. Use terror as a weapon. Same thing. Only one real difference here. They are prisoners. Captured terrorists. People who have commited acts of terrorism against other people. But the terrorists have commited crimes against innocent bystanders, in order to terrify them. The innocents have not harmed anyone or done anything to deserve to be injured or killed. This is my whole problem with terrorisim. I can't understand wrecking hell and havoc on people who did nothing to deserve it. Now if someone pissed me off bad enough, I just might do bodily harm to them. My anger would be directed right at the person who pissed me off. It would be that person that would suffer my wrath. Not some innocent bystander. I don't see any point in hurting somebody that hasn't hurt me. Guess I'm funny that way.

Well, at least we got this topic off and running! :)

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Only one real difference here. They are prisoners. Captured terrorists. People who have commited acts of terrorism against other people.

Not entirely true. Most of those in GB (Guantanamo Bay) are innocent too. So what the US is doing is kidnapping them, holding them prisoner and torturing them. The only difference is the US isnt doing it for money but power unlike the terrorists who want money.

The UK is not innocent either but this isnt a war of good vs evil, the US gave Osama guns and money. Not a single WMD was found in iraq and yet oilfields were... Strange that... Not to mention he was hung pretty quickly too... the dead cant speak. Of course he was a bad person, but the US is now no better than he was and unfortunately the politicians here in the UK are weak and follow foreign influences too much. We need to withdraw from the US forces tomorrow, withdraw from the euro and stand on our own two feet. Those two combined have taken too much money from the UK and have lead to the deaths of innocents here.

I agree that the terrorists are evil and i completely endorse the inhumane torture of those who truly are terrorists, but let us not forget those who have done nothing wrong. Wikileaks is always a good site ;)

Especially the video of an Apache gunship killing unarmed civilians and while they are literally dragging their own wrecked torsos across the ground to hide behind a wall the american with the trigger laughs and shouts as though he is playing a video game. *spit* Filth.

Not only that... But a van comes along to pick up the bodies, and if i remember rightly, there is a little girl in the van and again, there are no weapons nor even any indication that the driver of the van knows the helicopter is still there and once again the american opens fire after practically begging permission to engage and he is delighted to kill those people.

If you havent seen the video then you should watch it but you will see innocent people torn apart by bullets.
Edited by shadowx (see edit history)

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There was actually an incident where the United States kidnapped a German citizen and held him hostage in Afghanistan. He was accused of terrorism and eventually found innocent and released. The tend that we are on is completely unacceptable. It is a tend that is dangerous and that shows that our government does not really care about human rights. Make no mistake, our government consist of human beings, and if they will do it to foreigners, they will do it to us. I don't know why people believe that Americans are exempt, especially due to the fact that one or two Americans were being illegally held at Gitmo Bay. Also don't limit this to religion, and even if you do, it shows the injustice in America. If a Muslim American is refused due process and thrown into Gitmo Bay, it shows the hypocrisy of America and that all Americans are not given equality and treated equal under the law. The fact that Americans accept that kind of governing symbolizes how passive we are, and how easy it is for the government to control us. I really think that it is sad that an American citizen who happens to be Muslim can be thrown into a concentration camp and be denied a trial without anyone saying anything about it. It raises another question also, which questions if America is really not a religious state, and if all religions and their followers are given equality and equal consideration. If you ask me, I don't think America treats her Muslim citizens the same, and neither does she treat her Latino citizens the same. I hate to say it, but its completely true. America is still racial, and simply because it is not openly Black doesn't mean that it should be ignored. Now it is openly Latino and Muslim, and the funny thing is that Black (the formerly oppressed) are now taking part in the oppression and unequal treatment of Muslim and Latinos. In the words of Malcolm X, "The oppressed shall take on the role of the oppressor." Then we have hypocrites who try to say that they support the Constitution and that we should get back to the Constitution, but yet they accept the denial of due process to an Muslim American. There is no excuse, and if you don't believe there is intense hate in America, just turn on Fox News and read the code language...and sometimes its not even code language, its plain and clear.

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