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Roleplay Forum?

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Is it a possible addition for like a roleplay area? Like topic starters provide the plot, settings and rule guidelines which needs to be adhered to by other members interested in joining their RP thread. Its just a suggestion as RPing is one of my favorite pass times. I'm not entirely sure if that has been suggested before and was shut down. If it has, I apologize.

Edited by Adell (see edit history)

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I can't answer your question, but I'm curious. What is role playing anyway? I don't know anything about it. What are the rules?

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me too, i hope you could explain a little bit. so we can agree or disagree with you. also i hope you could explain what is RPing?well, this is my first time in any forums so i don't know a lot about others forums system :blush: so please bear with me :). thank you in advance.

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It's kind of hard to explain so I asked some friends to help me with a rather extensive guide to what roleplaying is.


The Role Playing Guide




Basically guys, this is just a guide I'm making to maybe help you guys to be better RPers. I'm not saying that I'm the best, I'm just saying that we can all improve, myself included, but I'd like to share with you guys what I know about RPing, hence this thread. Also, because some of you guys, no offense, violate some of the basic rules a helluvalot.


What is RP?:


The dictionary definition of roleplay is "to assume or act out a particular role." Roleplay is, basically, assuming the form of a character, and writing as that character, in a certain setting. It's writing, but more/less structured, depending on how you look at it. When you set to write a story, you must write the setting, the plot, the characters, everything. When you roleplay, the setting and main plot has already been decided, as well as every character but your own. You have control over only half of the story, your own side. The other half is up to the other players. This strengthens interaction skills.


Roleplaying, in essence, is assuming the role of another entity. You write that entity's actions, thoughts, and words, in response to other people's entities. It's sort of like a play, except not quite so live-action and not nearly so rehearsed. Roleplaying is less of a story and more of a dialogue (though not limited to two) with actions incorporated. Plots can tie everything together, or you can let things happen as they will, but one thing is certain--anything is possible, because you are in charge.




There are many different labels for people at different skill levels, they aren’t really meant to put them down but they generally distinguish different kind of roleplayers so that people with higher standards can get more out of what they want to roleplay.


Illiterate: Usually beginners, illiterates are known to use very generic list descriptions like such—


Name: mister so and so

Gender: male

Eyes: Green

Clothes: jeans and a green day shirt



There are usually no depth or substance to these characters and the remainder of the roleplay is played out in one-liners. Usually illiterates have no regards for capitalization or ooc or grammar or spelling or basic roleplaying rules.


Semi-literate: Usually have longer and more descriptive lists that really get into the character, sometimes a semi-literate might type out a paragraph or two about their character but it’s usually not very intriguing or well written information about their character. Grammar is more sharpened.


Literate: Longer introductions and posts that have depth and description and are more like writing than basic information. Literates create more relatable and in-depth characters that a reader is interested in reading about, not just interacting with. The writing is more developed and the grammar is intact.


Advanced: This is when someone writes a long, interesting, in-depth, creative introduction. The grammar is nearly perfect and the writing is well thought out and descriptive. The quality of the writing is just more developed.


There are different terms known to roleplayers, these are some of the more common ones:


BIC: back in character, or in character. When the writer is writing in his or her persona, and interacting with other characters.


OOC: out of character, when you are talking to other players as yourself not your character.


Mary-Sue / Gary-Stu: perfect characters. These are generally not permitted because it’s boring and doesn’t make for an interesting roleplay. Flaws and personalities are what make a better roleplaying and Mary / Gary’s are more common in illiterate and semi literate roleplays.


Powerplay: controlling someone else’s character. This is not permitted—you are only allowed to control the actions of your own character. However, there is an exception to those characters who have abilities like this, if stated in their bio, or as approved by the RP creator.


Godmod: creating unrealistic situations, or characters that can do anything. Example: a character that is a lightening fast super intelligent elf that can defeat anyone in combat.


Despie: an illiterate that is desperate for romance.


Slash: romantic relationships in a fanfictional roleplay between to already made characters that is not of norm. I.E. dracoxharry


MxM or FxF: homosexual relationship between two characters


MxF: heterosexual relationship between two characters


Prommie: A well known roleplayer that has earned the respect of the other roleplayers by their example of literacy.


N00b: Someone who is considered illiterate and generally new to Roleplaying without a mentor.


Newbie: Someone who is new to roleplaying, but is well on their way to becoming literate but still needs practice. They are often found in semi- literate roleplays.




Things to do during an RP:


Start with getting a feel for the game:


These games are normally strongly themed and getting a feel for the way the theme is worked out helps you with getting started. Most games offer you the option of experiencing the game as a guest. Guests do not participate in the game but can walk around, see things and talk to other players for a while. This gives you the opportunity to find out first hand if you like the atmosphere. It also gives you the chance to read the most important help in getting started. The on-line help of the game. Typing help (and on mushes +help as well) will give you a lot of background information for getting started on that particular game. Use this as the other players will expect you to have read (and understood) things. If you did not bother to find out what information is freely available then why would they bother in telling you? If this help is unclear then you can still ask somebody to clarify things to you of course. But make sure you read every available help at least once until you feel you have a firm grasp what the game is about.


Give your character a history:


After all she is not newly born in the game even if it is to you. Where did she come from? What events shaped her personality? And how does she react to the common situations she will be facing in the game? Obviously this requires a certain familiarity with the theme of the game.


Keep your character close to yourself, but not too close:


If you are new to roleplaying you may find it difficult to adopt a wildly different personality. If you are shy then do not immediately make a character that is the exact opposite. As you are getting better at roleplaying you will be more confident to handle different personalities. Or races. Or anything else the game offers.


Do not make your character too powerful. Or too weak:


Either choice is boring, the first because there is no challenge to a god-like creature. If your character can make his enemies disappear at the snap of his fingers you will find nobody is interesting to rp with you. Story development requires conflict, and around your character that will last very short.

Being too weak has similar disadvantages. If your character can not affect anything around her there is nothing much to do for her. She will be the victim to any possible conflict and rp will be equally short and uninteresting.

The best advice to give here is: be modest and be reasonable. Give your character some strengths. And give her some weaknesses as well. Both fitting with her history. This offers you situations your character can confidentially handle and situations she will need the help of others for.


Get familiar with your character. This may seem a little odd but take the time to do this. You will have to decide how your character is going to behave facing unpredictable situations. Often in split second decisions. If you can really feel into your character you do not have to worry about how to do this. It will come naturally to you.


Do not be too explicit at first:


You do not tell the story of your life to the first stranger you meet do you? Further, if you do not tell too much about your character it allows you to change your character somewhat to make it fit in more in the game. Without having to explain that last week your character had a fear of height but not anymore because it was awfully inconvenient for a species that lived on the mountain tops. Nobody gets their character right the first time and you have to live with the consequences for a long time, unless you do not tell everybody right away.


Make your character social.


This is obvious. The aim of the game is to interact with other players and play out the reactions of your characters to the events, making up the history as you do so. If your character is haunting the forest all day, or sits on a tree top contemplating the meaning of life, your roleplaying won't be much interesting. There is a subtler side to this as well. Loners, or anti-social characters, are extremely difficult to rp well and still have a fun time while doing it. This includes characters that distrust everybody, are foreigners, have severe disabilities (mental or physical) or are flat-out evil. Most games that allow you to choose evil races restrict this to experienced players only. With reason.


Do not assume power:


This is partially an extension of the advise not to make overly powerful characters. But also keep in mind that most games have a ranking system in place even if the game does not deal with that. New players start at the very bottom of that ranking order and usually rise only when promoted by higher ranking players. Never automatically. So you can not create a character of a knight even if that is suitable to the game. Not even of a foreign order. The other players will consider this cheating and most likely will refuse your character. Play the game by the established rules.


Wait. But wait actively:


This is the hardest thing to do, getting involved in the game itself. You are new to the game, and nobody knows you yet. There are all kinds of ongoing plots, relations and histories that you know nothing of. This is unfortunate and you can mot force your way into things. You have to wait patiently for the people to notice you and start interacting. If the game has a friendly atmosphere most likely somebody will page or tell you soon after you entered but at times it may take many days before somebody takes notice of you. There is little you can do to speed up things, but it usually helps a lot by being around the public gathering places. What this might be depends on the game and game theme. Good chance is that it is the place where you find the most people on-line. Ask somebody there privately if you can join and go there. Sitting in a spot waiting does you no good. You must actively seek out other players and try to make friends with them. Also, do not jump in immediately in any activity going on, but stay back a little until you figured out the roles and behaviour of the other characters present. Of course you are free to offer an occasional remark and do whatever is fitting for your character to do. Sooner or later people will include you in the conversation, and likely sooner if you are not overdoing your actions.


Finally. Ask questions.


If you are new to the game and people do not expect you to know everything yet. They won't mind if you make mistakes and in general will be happy to answer your questions if you ask them privately. Most games have a command page or tell for this and if you use that you won't disrupt roleplaying. But keep it moderate and polite. Other players generally do not mind answering a couple of question but are probably a bit annoyed if you prevent them from actually playing the game themselves. With a little thought and reading the help you can work out on your own how most things work. If you really are out of your depth ask other players for information.



Things NOT to do in a Roleplay:


NEVER Powerplay:


Powerplaying takes all the fun of the RP away, since basically you're taking the character of the other player and controlling it, it's like playercest where you talk to yourself, not really RPing.


DO NOT Mary-Gary Sue-Stu:


Do not make overly perfect characters because the RP won't be challenging or of any worth reading if the characters are all really perfect and godly. Besides, even our favorite anime characters have flaws. No one is God, not even the unkillable people like Kira Jeezus Yamato of Gundam SEED Destiny or Suzaku Unkillable Kururugi of Code Geass, but they have weaknesses, which nulls them of a Mary-sue title.


Do NOT play God:


As said in the Mary-Sue description, no one is God. There can be unkillable characters, but hell, do not dare be perfect as God. Your character also can't do everything, possible or impossible, so yeah. Also, even the unkillable characters have weaknesses too. >__>;;




Writers blocks/replies:


Post length is an important part of roleplaying. A short post can make for a difficult reply, as can a twenty paragraph reply. The key thing, really, is to write comfortably. Writing posts eighteen paragraphs of rambling sure is fun when you've got a lot to say, but it can be tiring for the other person to read and it can be hell on your imagination after a while. After all, there's only so much you can say before you get burned out and need to take a hiatus to recuperate your poor muse. If you feel like rambling, by all means, go for it. Just remember, there's going to be someone on the other side reading that post. Is it an interesting post, or are you just blathering on and repeating details? Part of being a good writer is being varied and interesting no matter what you're talking about. Monotomy is killer on a reader.



If you really feel you need to say more, here are some tips [to lengthen your post]:


-Describe the scenery.


Description of the surroundings can provide a hefty paragraph and is good filler material if you're strapped for something to say.


-Describe how your character is feeling and why.


Are they morose for a particular reason? Are they happy for some reason? Elaborate on this and you may find you have to cut yourself short.


-More detail. Detail is key.


If your character said something, describe their tone of voice, facial expression, or body language. But never go all Stephanie Meyer and go all wild with the adjectives. That's just wrong.


-Author of this RP Basics Guide is Descythed from KHQ RP.

Edited by Adell (see edit history)

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Alright, a sample! I'll try to make this easy to understand (more like easy to read xD I type long posts). I'm going to make two characters who will be interacting in this sample RP. (All posted quotes here were posted with permission since these were posted by me and my brother).


First off, the character profile. Let's go with a Harry Potter RP. Here's the Profile Skeleton:


Things to keep in mind...


- This is a hundred or so years after the events in the book... So, uh- yeah. There's a war between Muggles and Wizards... Well, more like a war with Bad Wizards against Muggles and Good Wizards. Ya dig?

- No 'Harry Potter's and 'Hermione Granger's or 'Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore's and also- well, you get the idea, right?

- Weasleys, Blacks, Malfoys and such are allowed though- but don't expect everyone to be one. The staff will be scrutinizing members who have those last names so closely that we'll be right in your face.

- No Mary Sues and Gary Stus, puh-lease?

- If we catch that your character description is copy pasted from a wiki or something similiar... Prepare to cry. Well, not really.


Character Profile Skeleton



[b]Name:[/b][b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b][b]Blood Purity:[/b] [b]Nationality:[/b][b]Appearance:[/b][b]Personality:[/b][b]History:[/b]



Blood Purity: (Half Blood, Pureblood, Mudblood, etc.)





So, that's usually how an RP would start out. The creator would choose genre/fandom, give the rules etc. Now, on to player 1; I'll be using my usual character Adell (I spoilered the descriptions because they are rather long):


Posted Image

Name: Adelaide Peirce Lestrange

Age: 27 Years Old

Gender: Female

Blood Purity: Pureblood

Nationality: Part-British, Part-French, Half-Russian

Animagus Form: Gray Wolf


Wand: 11 1/2" Ash wand with a Basilisk Skin core. Good for Dark Arts and Transfiguration. Springy.



Basilisk wands are incredibly rare, as the beasts are rare to begin with and hard to kill. Due to the rarity, they often are passed down from generation to generation, so basilisk-core wands are either the heirloom of Slytherin-type Pureblood families or reforged wands from family cores. The occasional new basilisk wand will almost always bond to a Parselmouth or budding Dark Wizard. Very little good comes out of wielders of basilisk wands.


Ash is slightly associated with the Dark Arts, as the ash tree is said to ‘strangle’ the plants around it. It does excel at Dark magic, but is also good for Transfiguration. They also tend to bond to good Diviners.






Bloody red eyes and ghastly pale skin is the first thing one spots when meeting the Head of the Slytherin House. The crowning glory that is her hair grows faster than normal, even for a witch. It is straight and jet black, reaching until her shoulders on normal days and on the rare occasion when she feels too lazy to cut it, may reach up to her knees.


Usually donning jet black robes, she sometimes adds red colored accessories- although, people tell her to avoid doing this while inside the school and tries to force her to have green colored accessories instead, in honor of her House. Adell just smiles and shrugs it off, saying; "But I love red."


Her alternative choice of clothing is a plain white buttoned shirt, with a silver and green tie, a thick grey knitted v-neck jumper, grey trousers plain black shoes, a grey pocketed blazer with the Slytherin insignia and a plain black robe over it.


She does wear something in honor of Slytherin though, despite her love for the color red. Two snakes can be seen present with her, whether its inside or outside of Hogwarts. The first is a female Red-bellied Black Snake who she calls 'Alice' usually snaking her way around the Professor's arm and her wand. The other is Jacques, a silver and green male Boa Constrictor that usually dangles around her neck.







As a person, people view Adell as a very delightful companion; always smiling. She’s unnaturally kind as the Head of Slytherin which tends to make people doubt the Headmaster’s decision in giving her the position and making even more doubt if she was even a Slytherin in the first place. Polite and respectful, she speaks and acts in a tone that would suggest that she had come from a very high class family. Easy to get along with on a friendly level, she is extremely fond of Ravenclaws. As a Professor seems to give House Points quite fairly, whether it be to a Hufflepuff or to her own students in the House of Slytherin. As a Potions Mistress, she is a genius in her own right.


But she is truly, in reality a delusion, a mockery and a snare. It is all a facade. Half the work that is done in the world is to make things appear what they are not.


Underneath this sugar coated piece of candy is a poisonous, gooey center and only a few have seen it, let alone tasted it. The true Adell is cold, cruel and deceptive; she will pull the strings and manipulate others when she sees it beneficial and necessary- the mark of a true Slytherin. She tries to hide this nature to her fullest extent and has been successful at it for the past five years, although, she has an inkling that someone knows of the mask that she bears… Kerestel McKay, her self dubbed best friend.







Adelaide P. Lestrange, or Adell as most would call her, was born on the 8th of March twenty seven years prior to “the beginning of Mudblood”. Born to Emilia Claudia Peirce and Sergei Faustus Lestrange, she was their one and only child; yet, she did not grow spoiled- on the contrary, her parents hardly had time for her. Both Emilia and Sergei were Aurors which led to them being away from home quite often then one would think. Therefore, Adell’s constant companions at their house were the House Elves, her great grandmother Alicia Lestrange and, strangely enough, the Boggart in their storehouse.


Now, Adell was a very odd little girl ever since she was born. As a baby, she didn’t cry or give her parents any sort of trouble. Any parent would be thankful for having such a low maintenance child; but there was something about this that really bothered them- wizard children were supposed to create trouble… of the magical kind at least. They were afraid for a while that their daughter was a Squib. Lestrange and Peirce later found out that she wasn’t… in the worse possible way ever.


Everyone knows children, especially the very young ones, can’t control their magic. Well, once the magic started to surface from Adell, they had a hard time stopping it. Adell was definitely not a Squib when at the age of five, chaos erupted in the house. The House Elves were flying around as if being thrown by an invisible hand, books and paperwork suddenly bursting into flames and the taps opening, leaking out not water but wine. The little girl was having the time of her life, not knowing the anxiety she was giving everyone else and her parents had to find a way to stop her. She wouldn’t listen to reason; who could at the age of five? She wouldn’t take any form of bribe- this was the happiest she had ever been in her short five year old life as far as she could remember. But when Sergei grew livid and he shouted profanities at his daughter, calling her ‘worthless’ and such, the magic stopped. The House Elves were free, a bit ragged but free, the books couldn’t be returned to their previous state and the taps had been shut; everything was back to normal… or as normal as it could get, after an event like that. Adell was confused, saddened and hurt. She was having fun; was that so wrong?


She isolated herself from the world as best as a five year old could and started to analyze the situation as best as a five year old can. At first, she blamed magic; she concluded that it was the magic’s fault. If she didn’t have magic, none of that would have happened. Adell started hating everything associated with magic, refusing to go with her parents when they would take her to Diagon Alley, ignoring the other magical children and throwing things (with her hands) at the House Elves if they ever dared to near her. After a lot of thinking, she just blamed herself. If she was never born or if her parents had another daughter, they’d probably be happy. Adell believed that she was a broken, defective little witch. As the years passed, she still believed that the reason why her father got mad was because of her.


Adell was extremely thrilled to get away, when at the age of ten, she had received a letter of invitation at Hogwarts. She did everything that the letter told her to do and more; except, instead of an owl or a cat, she had gotten herself three snakes: Alice, Jacques and Mana. Soon she was on the Hogwarts Express.


This was extremely awkward; she was socially awkward- remember that she had ignored and avoided the other magical children before, always cooped up at home with only the servants and her grandmother; she had a hard time mingling with the others. Nobody really wanted to be her friend, with her freaky red eyes and her pale skin, and even when she tried to approach one of the Prefects… she was pushed away and was blatantly ignored; it was a Hufflepuff Prefect, and she learned to despise them. On the entire train ride, she just sat there in one of the compartments, the only other one in the room being a sleeping old man, who was probably a Professor, and a couple of baggages.


Crossing the moat, she was still sullen. The thought of being in a boat, like in her story books, excited her but her anger was far, far greater that she kept shooting glares at those who looked like they would be placed in Hufflepuff and even ignored the giant tentacle that had tried to get her attention.


The Sorting Ceremony made everything worse; when her name was called, she was livid. The one who had been calling out the names stopped and said in an awkward voice, ”Lestrange, Adelaide.” A lot of the other students turned to her and started murmuring. Who wouldn’t when apparently a Lestrange was at Hogwarts; most of the wizards and witches who had come from infamous families were usually sent to study at Durmstrang and Beaxubatons. There were a lot of hissed insults and jeering from the Gryffindor table- she learned to despise Gryffindors too. When the Sorting Hat was placed on her head, it was a long time before the Hat placed him in Slytherin. Things just went from bad to worse and… to something much more worse than worse.


Her first few years of Hogwarts (her first four years to be exact) was horrible. She was the constant target of bullying from Gryffindors and even some of the older Slytherins girls. There was never a day where she wasn’t bound by magic and thrown into a cupboard, a day where her personal possessions weren’t hidden from her (usually on the roofs of high towers, the Forbidden Forest or something equally dangerous more or less), a day she was laughed at for her weird looks or a day where any other prank was pulled on her. It was just horrible that even some of the Hufflepuffs had dared to be nasty to her. She would try to tell some of the Professors, but no one would believe the little Lestrange girl. The only one who did believe her was the Head of Slytherin House at the time.


Second term of her Fifth Year, she just snapped. With a couple of Hufflepuff Seventh Years and a few Gryffindor Third Years, they cornered her in one of the Greenhouses with nothing but her wand and Mana. She was pushed on the ground and Mana was kicked away- They were picking on her and they had just hurt her poor little Mana, she had had enough. She tried to fight them off with her wand, threatening to cast an Unforgivable Curse on him but she was never good with the wand back then. She was disarmed before she could even cast one single hex and she just started to go nuts. She clawed, bit and kick at them, punching and pulling at their hairs, but Muggle violence was never tolerated. The ones who had been bullying her were horrified and immediately told their House Heads. Her mother and the Head of Slytherin House asked them to not expel her, so a detention was given.


Serving detention alone with the hurt Mana in a classroom, she was given time to “reflect on what she had done”. Instead, she reflected on her little predicament. Why was she given detention? She had been abused for five years and SHE was given detention? It was extremely unfair and unjust. And then she thought on why they tried to make her life miserable? Maybe, it was because… No, probably… She couldn’t really think of anything rational. They saw her as a freak and as a Lestrange- just being one of those meant that you were an open target. She was enraged at the feeling of… worthlessness.


Adell thought she was going mad right there and then as she started hearing a little, hissing voice. There wasn’t anyone in the room with her, whether human or ghost, and she sincerely thought she had lost it. Turns out, it was little Mana and Adell was a Parselmouth. Mana, a Royal Albino Python, was Adell’s favorite and she usually brought her along, much more often then she brought Alice and Jacques combined; Mana had seen a lot of what she had been through. She made her agree that to prevent anything like this from ever happening, the other children should be taught to fear her.


When her detention was served, she tracked down every single one of her classmates who had bullied her for the past four and a half years. Adell confronted them when they were alone or when there were only three of them at most. She’d threaten them, promising to put hexes on them while they were unaware- or if that didn’t work, she promised to put poison in their food when they weren’t looking… That always worked because everyone knew that she was good… no, excellent at Potions.


Things were looking great for her since then. She graduated with ‘O’s in Potions, Transfiguration and Care of Magical Creatures, ‘E’s on her Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms and Herbology and ‘A’s with every other subject in her N.E.W.T.S… Except History of Magic and Ancient Runes where she had only gotten ‘P’s. With these grades, she was offered to be trained as an Auror, something she accepted and did for three years more or less until she quit for reasons unknowns.


She started teaching at Hogwarts as a Potions teacher at the age of twenty two and was made Head of Slytherin House in her third year of teaching. Adell does still teach until today, obviously.


For Player 2, I asked my brother if I could borrow his character:


Posted Image

Name: Richard Conners

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Blood Purity: Pureblood Squib

Nationality: Half-American, Half-Filipino

Appearance: (See picture)





Richard is a very sociable and friendly guy at best but he sometimes get violent which is bad seeing he’s a Squib in a Wizarding school. He tries to be respectful but he can’t help but be rude to people he hate or find weird. He has a bad habit of drinking alcohol, gambling and even smoking during class although his drugs were confiscated and he has been on rehab for quite sometime now. Since he can't do magic he just tries to be handsome and maybe snag himself a girlfriend who can do magic for him.






Richard is the youngest son of the Connors family and has six sisters who all are witches and who all attended Hogwarts and were all in the Ravenclaw house. His father was an American wizard from Durmstrang and his mother was a Filipina who studied in Beaxubatonns.


Being the youngest and watching all his sisters go to Hogwarts made him really excited to turn eleven. But when he was eleven he didn’t have magic and wasn’t able to attend. This made him really mad and he studied at a Muggle school during his youth and he didn’t even get to finish college because he was a dropout. He drank, smoke and gambled and did lots of drugs as a teenager because he was mad for not being a wizard and for not even finishing Muggle school.


His sisters heard of this and they got really mad and threatened to put curses on him if he didn’t have a job. He tried to find one and was changing jobs every few months being a car wash boy to a waiter at a restaurant and even a baby sitter but he always got fired. Things were hopeless until the headmaster of Hogwarts hired him to become the Muggle Studies professor at the school. He quickly accepted and had only started teaching last year and is having a hard time to adjust. He didn’t fit in with Muggles so he was trying to fit in with Wizards.


Let's make the setting the Leaky Cauldron? Yeh, that'd be good. Richard is the topic starter and here's his post.



Richard lit his cigarette with the match before calling to the guy over at the counter. ”A beer please.” he said taking out a dollar from his pocket when the guy looked at him with a raised eyebrow. There was a long silence before the guy said “You’re a Squib aren’t you?”


”Yep. So what? Just get me something that's going to get me drunk.” he sighed leaning over the counter. ”The school year is about to start and you know students with magic plus a guy who can’t do magic is trouble.”


“No. I have no idea actually because I have magic.” The guy shrugged turning around to get him a wizarding alcoholic drink.


”You suck. So hard.” he muttered waiting for his drink and hoping that none of the other professors would see him getting drunk a day before the school year started.


When someone makes a topic, usually other people can join in as long as they have a character and as long as the creator said its an open topic. I want to join the topic, so I did my own post, reacting to him of course.



Adell thought she had smelled a Squib; and there sat the biggest loser of them all – Richard Conners. She slipped next to him without a greeting and ordered a glass of lemonade. But then again, she was pretty sure nobody was stupid enough to not realize who was seating next to them when said person already ordered something and spoke and well… made their presence known in general.


She slipped out her wand from her sleeve and started drawing circles with it on the wood, red sparks emitting from the tip; ”Hello Connors – I didn’t think I’d see you here… and on the day before the school starts. Are you excited as I am? Or have I not been informed on you quitting?” she smiled innocently, not a trace of sarcasm or ill intent in her tone of voice.


Just then, the bartender – or whatever other name he was called, came back with her glass of lemonade and a mug of firewhiskey for her companion. Her smile grew wider; ”Getting drunk, are we? Not a very good example for the children; think of the children, Richard.” she said with a tutting noise. ”They might start thinking that all Squibs are irresponsible drinkers… and smokers.” she added the last part, eying the lit cigarette in his mouth wearily and waving her hand in front of her face when the smoke reached her.


A sip of the lemonade and she continued to talk again; ”Any luck finding a Witch girlfriend, Richard? Or have you given up and found yourself an okay Muggle or maybe even a Squib, hm? How are your sisters? Faring better than you, I suppose.” she chuckled before taking another sip and eventually pushing the glass away, even if it was still half full.


”Needs more sugar… Too sour.”


Unless someone else joined, Richard can reply to what I just did.



Richard froze when the forbidden evil one sat next to him. The forbidden evil one being Adelaide Peirce who was also a teacher of Hogwarts. He kept a straight face and tried not to look nervous or mad. They would look like friends with the first name basis to anyone else but it was the total opposite. Its a long story but despite being childhood friends they hated each other a lot. ”Hey Adell.” he greeted blowing a cloud of smoke at her face on purpose. Just because he had magic didn’t mean he couldn’t fight back. ”I’m very excited and I haven’t quit. I’m not getting drunk because this is a celebration.” he lied.


The guy got back with a weird wizard alcohol but Richard shrugged and drank half of it in one go. It burned his throat but gave a pleasant feeling. Maybe that was why they called it firewhiskey? ”I’ve dated two or three during the summer but no luck. They all broke up once a guy with magic appeared in their lives.” he sighed and nodded. ”They’re doing alright. Abigail is still trying to keep the peace at Beauxabatons you know?” he said knowing that Adell and Abigail were acquaintances remembering his very geeky big sister who was actually good at magic.


What made Richard laugh was when Adell pushed away her lemonade saying it was sour. ”Not the only sour thing around here.” he muttered with a cough.


And here's the last post for this sample. Too tired x_x



Adell rolled her eyes when he blew smoke into her face, but she just waved it away yet again. ”How… pleasant. Of course, I can’t blame them; who would ever choose a Squib over a capable Wizard? No offense.” she chuckled, looking at a mirror over on the other side of the room and fixing her hair, not really too keen on staying too long with Richard.


Sure, she threw some snide and hurtful remarks at him and he threw some back, although they were quite pathetic attempts, but things would eventually get awkward. One, she just rejected him last year in front of most of the Seventh Year Slytherins during her Potions class and two, to make matters worse, they were family friends and were quite close as children, seeing as Adell herself was believed to be a Squib back then and had made “friends” with non magical children – Richard being one of them.


”So… Is it the Muggles causing the havoc or the Wizards? I’m not too much in the loop with what’s going on at Beauxabatons, since – well, my only connection with that place was my mother and she’s still busy with Auror duties… as usual.” she sighed, twirling a lock of her dark hair around one finger, ignoring the comment of her being a sour person. Was it her fault that she didn’t feel like being too sweet to a Squib?


But, if she was to leave – she needed an excuse; Adell was never one to be rude. Looking around the Leaky Cauldron, she rolled her eyes; ”Have you seen the Headmaster by the way? You would think you would find him here or at the Three Broomsticks or even Hog’s Head, sad guy – although you’re a lot sadder and I mean that in the most kindest of ways.”


Understand it a bit better now?

Edited by Adell (see edit history)

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