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Free Gifts In Life....

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there are many gifts in life, and all of theme are free. they bring joy and happiness to the lonely hearts and feed the broken souls. but the problem is how many people are really know about these gifts and enjoy them from their heart?gifts of life are these simple things that happen in a sudden and make you feel the beauty of life around you in spite of all the stress, problems, pain or sadness we live on. these gifts could be hearing a singing bird on a tree, appearing of a shiny sun in a cold day, watching a flower opening its petals, or feeling the fresh breeze in a dawn, or anything that has been giving to you freely and suddenly.but REALLY, how many people stop and enjoy these tiny gifts? or feel them?what make me write this topic, is yesterday i enjoyed one of these gifts, i've given a kind of pure love from someone i don't even know. i do think that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is one of gifts of life, but unfortunately, it isn't available for everyone and always. so, i was standing alone outdoor and suddenly, a little girl came and gave me a flower? :),?a white beautiful flower. just smiled, gave a flower and went.?REALLY touched my heart. i got many flowers in my life but from a little girl i don't even no, NEVER, this is the first time. i really felt that there is a hidden beauty in life, a real gifts in life and we should pay attention around us to see and enjoy ?them.this is a true expression of pure gift of love in life, just like when you are depressed and sitting alone in the park and suddenly a little kid come and sit near you and give you a smile. for seconds, you will forget all your problems and smile to him too.i really think that love in general is one of? gifts in life, sometimes it comes to us in a sudden, sometimes we should work hard to gain it, anyone agree with me?also i BELIEVE in free gifts of life and always try to enjoy them, how about you??

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This is so very true WD.We come across so many beautiful gestures in life and we sometimes leave them unnoticed.We give little importance to such free gifts.But once you are facing bad times in life we wish for a small smile or a hug and a little love.The free gifts can be a smile from a stranger, anything unintentionally done to bring smile on our faces.I watch my little pet and the small innocent things it does ..jumping here and there, rolling in the sheet, playing with the ball all such things bring some happy moments in life.After a long day of stress what we need is a free gift of someone cooking a nice food for u or good cup of coffee or a massage Posted Imagepleasure..Posted Image

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I think the real big problem with missing out on life's gifts are the fact that to use an old line, we don't take time to stop and smell the roses. Life is so hectic. One has to concentrate on the things that have to be done, and need to be done, and in doing so, we really miss a lot. While you are concentrating on getting the job done you have to tune out all the distractions that come along. Sad, but true. Part of it is mental conditioning. My flower bed along the driveway is a good example. I put a lot of work into it every year. But I really enjoy seeing the beautiful flowers when they begin to bloom. However, I have to watch myself, because sometimes instead of seeing the beauty of the flowers, I see that I have not had the time to give it a good weeding, so I see the weeds instead of the beauty. I have to remind myself that it is really pretty anyway, despite a few weeds. And then when I finally get time to go yank them out, I can feel even better about myself, that I have accomplised something worth while, so it is always enjoyable, as long as you are in the right frame of mind to enjoy it.

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i always think that these little small gifts are the true key to heal our lonely soul. we can heal anything physical but it is too hard to heal the wounded soul, the pain inside us may eat us slowly if we couldn't control it. but in the middle of all that, suddenly, a smile, a blooming flower, a sun rise or watching a child or a pet plays, will bring peace to our soul and draw a smile on our face. it is really a shame to waste these gifts or ignore them, they are free and exist everywhere around us just we should pay attention to them and seek for them when we need to relax or feeling peaceful.

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I think I saw a movie about this if I'm not mistaking its something about Noah's ark but a comedy version. Any ways its true we tend to forget about the little things and focus more on big problems that we are personally facing.I guest that's what makes them small gestures and small things the fact that we tend to ignore them makes them small, if we take more time to notice them then they become big things, like the smiley's when we chat or post in the forum we rarely notice or take interest in them anymore but they really are a big help in expressing our thoughts.My own opinion is that the little things we see and usually ignore are ways for that the one above to tell us he loves us, and its up to tell him we love Him back

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I think I saw a movie about this if I'm not mistaking its something about Noah's ark but a comedy version. Any ways its true we tend to forget about the little things and focus more on big problems that we are personally facing.
I guest that's what makes them small gestures and small things the fact that we tend to ignore them makes them small, if we take more time to notice them then they become big things, like the smiley's when we chat or post in the forum we rarely notice or take interest in them anymore but they really are a big help in expressing our thoughts.

My own opinion is that the little things we see and usually ignore are ways for that the one above to tell us he loves us, and its up to tell him we love Him back

great reply amalfitravels, and you are right. not many people notice or even use smilys whereas they are a great way to tell a lot than words do. therefore i like the moods in the forums, they can speak for you and tells others what you are really thinking of without saying a word.

besides paying attention to those little things will warm the lonely heart and feed the soul with a little bit of joy that you may in need for it :) . but first you should learn how to enjoy those little gifts in life and not turning your back for them.

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Its so rare when people actually do good for no reason. I think that people normally forget or take for granted the things that cost nothin because they are too busy to even stop and notice the smell of roses in the air. Everyone seems busy with getting to work and making the next dollar they dont even realise that a smile or a nod at a stranger can put a smile on someones face all day. Then again theres also the fact that people these days are in a culture of being uptight. tGirls think that if you smile at them you are tryna chat them up, women who are married think ooops im married if i smile back im sending wrong signal. Everyone is busy thinking what if what if and ignoring simple meaningful gestures which will brighten up the world if given out. Everyone is too busy suspecting each other to even realise that helping someone get up after a fall makes another human feel special and apppreciated.Everyone is so much into the suing culture and as i read on the forums yesterday that a woman in aussie sued a good samaritan for helping her in a car accident and in the process he made a mistake and she cut herself on a bit of glass and she sued the samaritan for that. Aparanetly from the forums i gathered thats sort of the culture in Aussie and I know thats the culture thats crept into UK too. Everyone is suing for ay mistake, you step on someones toes and they ask you for an adress you think then wanna send a thank you card youre wrong. In a few days boom a lawsuit through the post.If only people would start realising that these free gifts of goodness are only there to make the world a better place and they stop being greedy and sueing each other fo the smallest of things. Hehe in UK if a Kid gave you a flower but it just so happened the parent was distracted and turned around just as you were accepting the flower they would scream and accuse you of trying to lure their kid away and kidnapping their child. Youd probably get arrested and branded a paedophile and that would spoil your life for ever as your name would be put on a sex offenders / paedophilie register and that means you'll never for the rest of you life work in a place with vulnerable people. So you'd never be a builder, a courier, a teacher, doctor, social worker, nurse, you basically are stuck with being a general labouror or factory worker because those are the only jobs I know which dont run a police check or have relaxed rules on people who are on the sex offendes register. Its funny though two people anger each other and have a huge fight in the street and break each others nose people think thats not good but it happens and they sort of accept it. If the Police are called they arrest both and fine them. The record of a fine is only probably in the receipt book that shows how much a fine it was and six month down the line that doesnt show up in a police check. It seems the big things are what everyone concentrates on not these lovely little gestures. Even a present now, has to be something massive like an x-box or Iphone, Ipad yet when I was a child we were content with a bar of choclate. For chrsitmas we would just get lots of sweets in the sock and maybe a choclate bar and we were content it dindt matter tat santa never brought the remote control car i ask for. I was happy he left something in my sock and i wouldnt question or sulk ad be angry that I didnt get expensive costly stuff. But now kids get angry cause they didnt get an expensive gadget. Its as if to get a thank you one needs to pay through the nose and sacrifice big time. No One cares if a smile iss all we can afford or a flower is all we can afford. People have become so greedy and suspicious of each other they actually think these free gifts are actually hidden agendas for something sinister.Just a few months back, i was walking my dog and I walked past a car with a child screaming her face off. She was in the car and was tryna get back on the seat cause she had probably fallen off the seat and was trying to get back up. I think maybe it had hurt itself in the fall and unfortunately The mother was in a nearby grocery shop aand the little kid was crying. I could hear the child for about 5 minutes before the m0m came out. But were it not for the rules that put me at risk of getting arrested I would probably have gone closer to the car and checked if the baby was ok but had i walked up to the car and it so happened the mother came out that exact moment seen me near the car baby screaming and she would have screamed thinking baby is crying cause I am tryna kidnap baby or steal the car. And gues who the cops would have believed.OBviously i woould have been trying to do a free gift kind of deed but it would have been taken as somethign sinister and it would have been said I was being good cause i have some hidden agenda behind my good deed. and so i walked on and ignored the crying baby, but what if the baby had been caught under the seat by the metal bits or her finger was stuck in a crease or join in the seat or something more serious. I would have still walked away cause sometimes being nice comes at a price that may haunt you for the rest of your life. These gifts in themselves are beautiful Web_designer and I appreciate them but in todays society the beaut of the free gifts comes at a price that is too high to enjoy if they will tarnish your life forever. Especially in these countries that are very politically over correct. I wonder though seeing as things usually go round and rouond, will in the future things go back to being simple and people smile at each other not dogg smiles but genine heart felt smiles. Will people go back to once again realising that you can be nice to each other even if you are a stranger not be be trying to steal a purse, or propose love or kidnap anyone. Will people eer go back to just being nice because we are all humans whoonce in a while acknowledge that we live on a planet full of other humans too.

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Its so rare when people actually do good for no reason. I think that people normally forget or take for granted the things that cost nothin because they are too busy to even stop and notice the smell of roses in the air. Everyone seems busy with getting to work and making the next dollar they dont even realise that a smile or a nod at a stranger can put a smile on someones face all day. Then again theres also the fact that people these days are in a culture of being uptight. tGirls think that if you smile at them you are tryna chat them up, women who are married think ooops im married if i smile back im sending wrong signal. Everyone is busy thinking what if what if and ignoring simple meaningful gestures which will brighten up the world if given out. Everyone is too busy suspecting each other to even realise that helping someone get up after a fall makes another human feel special and apppreciated.
Everyone is so much into the suing culture and as i read on the forums yesterday that a woman in aussie sued a good samaritan for helping her in a car accident and in the process he made a mistake and she cut herself on a bit of glass and she sued the samaritan for that. Aparanetly from the forums i gathered thats sort of the culture in Aussie and I know thats the culture thats crept into UK too. Everyone is suing for ay mistake, you step on someones toes and they ask you for an adress you think then wanna send a thank you card youre wrong. In a few days boom a lawsuit through the post.

If only people would start realising that these free gifts of goodness are only there to make the world a better place and they stop being greedy and sueing each other fo the smallest of things. Hehe in UK if a Kid gave you a flower but it just so happened the parent was distracted and turned around just as you were accepting the flower they would scream and accuse you of trying to lure their kid away and kidnapping their child. Youd probably get arrested and branded a paedophile and that would spoil your life for ever as your name would be put on a sex offenders / paedophilie register and that means you'll never for the rest of you life work in a place with vulnerable people. So you'd never be a builder, a courier, a teacher, doctor, social worker, nurse, you basically are stuck with being a general labouror or factory worker because those are the only jobs I know which dont run a police check or have relaxed rules on people who are on the sex offendes register.

Its funny though two people anger each other and have a huge fight in the street and break each others nose people think thats not good but it happens and they sort of accept it. If the Police are called they arrest both and fine them. The record of a fine is only probably in the receipt book that shows how much a fine it was and six month down the line that doesnt show up in a police check. It seems the big things are what everyone concentrates on not these lovely little gestures. Even a present now, has to be something massive like an x-box or Iphone, Ipad yet when I was a child we were content with a bar of choclate.

For chrsitmas we would just get lots of sweets in the sock and maybe a choclate bar and we were content it dindt matter tat santa never brought the remote control car i ask for. I was happy he left something in my sock and i wouldnt question or sulk ad be angry that I didnt get expensive costly stuff. But now kids get angry cause they didnt get an expensive gadget. Its as if to get a thank you one needs to pay through the nose and sacrifice big time. No One cares if a smile iss all we can afford or a flower is all we can afford. People have become so greedy and suspicious of each other they actually think these free gifts are actually hidden agendas for something sinister.

Just a few months back, i was walking my dog and I walked past a car with a child screaming her face off. She was in the car and was tryna get back on the seat cause she had probably fallen off the seat and was trying to get back up. I think maybe it had hurt itself in the fall and unfortunately The mother was in a nearby grocery shop aand the little kid was crying. I could hear the child for about 5 minutes before the m0m came out. But were it not for the rules that put me at risk of getting arrested I would probably have gone closer to the car and checked if the baby was ok but had i walked up to the car and it so happened the mother came out that exact moment seen me near the car baby screaming and she would have screamed thinking baby is crying cause I am tryna kidnap baby or steal the car. And gues who the cops would have believed.

OBviously i woould have been trying to do a free gift kind of deed but it would have been taken as somethign sinister and it would have been said I was being good cause i have some hidden agenda behind my good deed. and so i walked on and ignored the crying baby, but what if the baby had been caught under the seat by the metal bits or her finger was stuck in a crease or join in the seat or something more serious. I would have still walked away cause sometimes being nice comes at a price that may haunt you for the rest of your life.

These gifts in themselves are beautiful Web_designer and I appreciate them but in todays society the beaut of the free gifts comes at a price that is too high to enjoy if they will tarnish your life forever. Especially in these countries that are very politically over correct. I wonder though seeing as things usually go round and rouond, will in the future things go back to being simple and people smile at each other not dogg smiles but genine heart felt smiles. Will people go back to once again realising that you can be nice to each other even if you are a stranger not be be trying to steal a purse, or propose love or kidnap anyone. Will people eer go back to just being nice because we are all humans whoonce in a while acknowledge that we live on a planet full of other humans too.

this is so sad mandla, i heard about things like that happen in the other part of the world, but after reading what you wrote i feel even more sad. i can understand that all those rules that have been enacted to protect children from being abused or kidnapped or protect them from anything bad that may affect them, but still these rules limit people from acting normally or being themselves. it is something like preventing people from treating each other in a nice way. which is eventually will make them lose the meaning of enjoying the simple things in life, like a simple gesture of understanding that may bring warmness to a broken heart. and all that will make us forget about the free gifts in life and how to enjoy them.

here in the middle east, we still have this spirit, thanks god for this. i can't count the times when i see strangers smile to a beautiful baby or give him chocolate or a simple gift or even spoil him a little, and always parents thank that stranger for being nice to their baby. i hope that will last forever in here, because it is hard to limit yourself like this and avoid yourself from being nice to others.

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Gifts will always be gifts but these days people only seem to care about expensive gufts. Yet the truth is that the free gifts usually have a whole lot of meaning to people than an expensive car. You see a good act an example being a simple smile to a stranger can actually make another persons day, yet buying someone a diamond might just get the re-action couldnt oyu have bought a bigger one or a sapphire or a smug comment. Yet a simple thing like a flower can mean the difference between a bad day and a good day to another person. I mean i find it more intimate when my boy friend buys me flowers or a cheap necklace compared to an expensive dinner which requires me to act all ladylike or whisper and be all prim and proper at a resturant playing boring chill out music. I know its the right thing or settign seeing as its my birthday or our anniversary or something lik that but flowers or a box of ordinary choclate always makes me smile cause its not expected its a surprise, Yet with the anniversary dinner or birthday dinner or outting i am expecting everything well not as in all the details but i am expectant that somethign sweet or a sweet gesture is going to happen yet with a cuddle or a smile from a stranger are totally un expected and they hit you like powwwwwww and you thinking thats so nice of that person i didnt think people were still nice. You know that element of surprise comes into play.If I coould start a fad it would be that each person every week picks a random day to do one good deed different from the last three weeks to a total stranger. I would advocate that people do things which cost nothing. Like helping an old lady across he street, smiling and saying good morning, give a lift to a neighbour who is by the bus stop on a rainy morning or rather a random time Be less rowdy or noisy if bus is full of adults thet Go do the garden for a disabled person or home. There are so many good deeds we can do. Spend a saturday working at the local community centre on a volunatry basis. There is so much to be done in the good deeds department and people seem to have forgotten that being nice doesnt take anything away.

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I can well understand what you mean by gifts of that sort. To enjoy the gifts of nature, I hardly can manage time and I do long for the moment when I can sit or stand doing nothing and enjoy the precious gifts of nature. It has an immensely calming effect on our super-stressed minds.


When you said that you really like it when children come and smile at you,I remember how I enjoy being with cuddly babies. Wherever I get to see one of them, anywhere around I take the chance of playing with them and the happiness I derive is something too hard to explain verbally.


I hope that everyone understands the importance of paying time and attention to simple facts which leaves a pacifying effect on our minds.

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