rpgsearcherz 5 Report post Posted July 2, 2010 On 7/2/2010 at 8:00 PM, 'Little Asterisk' said: I must admit I'm not quite sure what you mean by "new additions", but here are my two best guesses #1 You mean new elements, such as <article>, <header> and <section>It's perfectly fine to use these selectors like you would normally do with HTML 4. For instance: article, aside { display: block; color: #e3e3e3; }section { display: block; color: #999; } Would display perfectly fine (i.e., <article> and <aside> elements would display block and have a color of #e3e3e3, while the <section> element would display block and have a color of #999).#2 You mean CSS 3You can also use CSS 3 styling with no trouble whatsoever. For instance:article { text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #999; background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #eee, #999); } You could do the same with anything other CSS 3. (Sorry if the syntax for the linear gradient is wrong, although I believe it isn't).Hope that helps Ah, yeah, you hit it head on with #1.I've been learning PHP and I just find it interesting how so many things are automatically cross-compatible between the various web languages. It's nothing at all like normal programming (where, for example, a programming language could have a very minor change and throw the entire program off balance due to some new addition). So I'm guessing CSS is *solely* a stylization for HTML, rather than a language in itself? Because my understanding is it was an actual language (so that, say, you were to add a new tag to HTML, you'd have to alter CSS to understand the same thing -- but based on how you're saying it, if you added a new tag to HTML you could instantly use it in CSS as well).I hope I'm not overly-confusing you by the above. I'm getting a little heavier into web development myself so these things intrigue me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Little Asterisk 1 Report post Posted July 2, 2010 @rpgsercherzYes, so basically if you add an element to the page you could use it. Don't take my word for it, though, since I'm not 100% on this one. You might have to add the element using some JavaScript (I think it could be done using createElement or createElementById - again, not 100%).For further reference, you could look at an great article over on NetTuts (https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-make-all-browsers-render-html5-mark-up-correctly-even-ie6--net-8669). Recommended reading! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rpgsearcherz 5 Report post Posted July 2, 2010 On 7/2/2010 at 9:29 PM, 'Little Asterisk' said: @rpgsercherz Yes, so basically if you add an element to the page you could use it. Don't take my word for it, though, since I'm not 100% on this one. You might have to add the element using some JavaScript (I think it could be done using createElement or createElementById - again, not 100%). For further reference, you could look at an great article over on NetTuts (https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-make-all-browsers-render-html5-mark-up-correctly-even-ie6--net-8669). Recommended reading! Cool, cool. Someone else posted a link from the same place (net.tutsplus) as well. I didn't even know about that site until I came here (through tons of searches online for various tutorials on CSS, JS, HTML, etc. I had never seen any advertisements for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Little Asterisk 1 Report post Posted July 2, 2010 Yeah, Nettuts is an excellent site and offers some great tutorials (unfortunately, I'm not getting any money for saying this ). Other sites that you might find interesting are all of them from the "Smashing network" (https://www.smashingmagazine.com/write-for-us/), I particulary like CSS-tricks (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). Man, would I be a rich guy if they gave me some money for posting this here... :DAnyhow, we're deeply offtopic now, so I won't ramble that much anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saint_Michael 3 Report post Posted September 3, 2010 That is the funny thing about HTML 5, depending on who you talk to XHTML is version 5 in terms of progression, but because of what X does that isn't the case. Though I got a few books on HTML 5 and seen some websites and I have to say it fixes up alot of the problems HTML 4 had and of course fixes all the problems XHTML had with complient browsers. Of course, you would have to blame Microsoft for that one with IE7 and IE8, of course now that they got their act together more or less IE9 will be with everyone else and actually be using the same standards as everyone else.Though it begs the question on how has it made life simpler, I was looking at how they updated the way forms could be coded and I have to say I have mixed feelings about it. Granted when it comes to CSS, PHP, JavaScript, it makes coding specific parts a lot easier. Such as using input type="email"> or input type="tel"> code then using <input type="text">, since you then have to add an ID into the code in order for your scripts to recognize it. As for how HTML 5 handles video, I think that was one of the major reasons, because validator had problems with this line of code and no matter how standardize you got the code, there was always something that made invalid if you ran it through W3C validator.Of course, when it comes down to it with CSS3 already running, designing websites has become either easier or a lot more complicated depending on how you view it. However, in combination of HTML 5 it does make life a bit easier since a lot of the tags got removed and the fact HTML 5 sections off the website, web designers will have an easier time coding their website if they are using their stuff from Photoshop or Illustrator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
syzygy 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 On 4/22/2010 at 3:56 AM, 'linekill' said: What's the difference between XHTML 2.0 and HTML 5.0. ? There are debates as to what direction of the internet. I've also read articles that cite or discusses the plus and minuses of the two languages but I still am having problems with understanding their core difference.The difference is that XHTML 2.0 will never happen as the W3C working group on the matter has CLOSED: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/HTML5 can be written according to strict xml rules and still parse correctly as HTML: http://html5doctor.com/html-5-xml-xhtml-5/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites