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Self-injury Awareness Day March 1st-wear an orange ribbon

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March 1st is SI Awareness Day! Please help educate the world by simply wearing an orange ribbon on Tuesday, March 1st. If someone asks what the ribbon is in honor of, tell them! Self-Injury has been described as the new epedemic, lets try to stop it while we're ahead.

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Ooh. Again. (Its the second time i've said Ohh today in a topic). (Third now).I never knew there was such a thing as Self-Injury or SI. Is it something like people hurting thierself? Why would people do such a thing to thier bodys?

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To release emotions, and pain. Its a coping mechanism, not a healthy one however. Its being described (as i said) as the new epedemic. Yet, even though it has become a huge part of our society, people still tend to ignore it. No one wants to face up to the fact that it will be here, to stay, if we dont do something about it NOW. Anyway. Ive been going around to every forum I've ever visited spreading the word, hoping maybe someone will take my advice and wear an orange ribbon. Or better yet hand out a few. Anyway. Im rambling now. Forgive me.Hugs,Amby

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Coool. Is Self-Injury or SI very widespread. Do many people know/use it? Is it kind of like smoking. And if people don't want to hurt themselfs why don't they just quit using it? O__O

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Yes its very wide spread. A lot of people use it, even some people everyone would know. Such as Princess Diana, Angelina Jolie, Christina Ricci, and Johnny Depp. Its hard to quit. It becomes an addiction, like smoking. We become attached to it, and it becomes something very precious to us. Some people can quit very easily, but for most people it is very hard to quit. Thanks for asking questions. I appreciate the interest.Hugs,Amby

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That's a dangerous habit. Everything Amby said is true. It releases the pressure that builds up inside, either by stress or heartache or any other form of negative energy that causes substantial emotional pain.I had no idea some of those people did that. It's such a shame...I guess that's kind of what happens when you're in the spotlight...There isn't really any margin for error. Sometimes, bearing that weight on your shoulders can be too much to cope with :D I like this idea. Heightened awareness is the best way to prevent the possibility of a future tragedy. It's about time we started this...It's been long enough!

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It most definately has.. Im glad people have been so supportive. I usually have to endure a few immature and downright rude remarks when I talk about self-injury somewhere other than my own forum (or forums like it). So I appreciate the both of you being supportive. I really hope you will both wear an orange ribbon on March 1st. I would appreciate it a lot!Hugs,Amby

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It isnt as wide spread as I'd like it to be. Thats why I've been trying my hardest to at least get the word out this way. On forums and such. You probably didnt know because self-injury is still looked at as being taboo and being evil.. Its sad.. People just dont want to face up to it as being a problem, and so its just going to keep spreading, and growing, and getting worse. I really hope this day and event will be more wide spread within the next couple years, or we're doomed.Hugs,Amby

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LOL I was in my live chat room once, its for self-injury (of course).. and this woman came in, and started talking about her son breaking his arm while playing soccer. Im sitting here thinking to myself.. What does this have to do with self-injury. LOL. So after she is done telling her story of him and his broken arm, I ask her if she self-injures. She said well.. I suppose I am a bit clumsy, but not like my son! LOL.I was so confused.. Anyway.. She thought that my room was for people who were clumsy and got hurt a lot. LOL. I was like oh hunni, this is so sad.. I almost hated telling her what it was about. LOL. She was shocked, and needless to say didnt stay long after I told her what it really was.Hugs,Amby

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