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Trap17 Domain Purchasing

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Can you purchase a domain via Xisto? I think I say an area that said you could...and if you can, can you buy more than one (and have seperate plans) or would you need two accounts for that sort of thing?

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The answer is Yes. As long as you have enough Xisto Dollars you can purchase anything.I have 5 domains and 5 separate hosting plans using Xisto - Support.com/billingRemember that myCENT is just as the real money you would pay for all paid hosting/domain services.

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Can you purchase a domain via Xisto? I think I say an area that said you could...and if you can, can you buy more than one (and have seperate plans) or would you need two accounts for that sort of thing?
If this isn't the right place, then please move.

Big Bufallo answered it. the more mycent you got the more domain names that you can have it is $10 per one year and its not that hard to get so much mycent in this forum all you have to do is to post some quality topics and there you go in just 3 - 7 days you can have your domain name

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Yeah I totally agree to the above suggestion. Moreover please note that XISTO provides quality service for the domains which you purchase from them. This i dont tell just after reading their services offered from their website, I Tell it out of experience. The service and support offered from XISTO is really spectacular. I am not sure that is there any other provider that will even match up with their service. When you open a Ticket and all the issues are resolved in no time. And the support team will be helping you in all aspects. I remember once i had messed up with the .htaccess file in my web space and i totally had no idea about that and i was stranded. All i i needed to do was Just open a Ticket and tell the the situation, it is simple as that, the support team helped a lot. This is just a simple example which i am quoting. Till date i have not seen even one single complaint about Xisto or XISTO . Hats off. So without hesitating you can very well participate in these forums and get your mYCents and can purchase your domain name, hosting space etc. Here one thing that has to be noted is that, XISTO provides us all previlages. Its is unlike other host providers who with help most of the previlages from us. Here it is like you own everything. I guess i read some where in the rules or somewhere where opaque was telling that the previlages the admins have over out domin and the hosting are given to each user who uses the service. You can alter the DNS, and any details any time. Moreover they provide many packages from which we can choose.For a very long time i was searching for dedicated IP address and atlast i had got it from XISTO and i had it for few months to test some educational stuffs.So start hosting with XISTO and have a great time, take care !!!

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