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Death And Life you was told you were dying ?

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Who wants to die? No one wishes to die before all his wishes are fulfilled or if he is fed up of his wishes not being fulfilled.Yes, if you find yourself in the place where you are told that you are here in this mortal world for a few days only and there is nothing that can be done, then you feel that the most unfortunate moment has come. To know that you will not live any longer is very very disappointing. It may not be the case when you meet an accident and you die almost on the site of accident. Otherwise if you do survive and are ailing or suffering you just ask GOD again and again what have you done wrong that you will not be living any further, no matter you still know that you have done enough wrong and you need the punishment both for yourself and the human race.There are the feeling of a vacuum and the whole world seems to be betraying the lonely. Even the cosolence of the near and dear ones seems to pinch. You seem to be neglected even when there is no stone left unturned to save you.And at that moment GOD is the one who seems to be betraying the most. You ask GOD again and again as to why have you been denied to vive a few more years and why some of your wishes are not yet fulfilled. There however is no limit to the desire but the lamenting continues.

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:D really how can anyone state ,knowing you just been told your going to die and hold limited amount of time left of your precious life .how can anyone would ever believe ,their dying because something they did wrong in life for god or any god to ,make life shorter than expected .or for being told be consider it about lies or deceptions that was told or lived through out your life .if this was true ,what wrongs did infants or small children do ,when something horrible happens and they become angels in heaven and their life is shorten than expected ,i can answer that absolutely nothing they could ever do wrong ,just as any adult could done wrong ,and face ,medical decision that ,their own life will not be lived as expected in this world .sometimes god ,calls us back as we are needed else where never will i ever believe god would call you back as you ,did so many wrongs in this world .as for prayers ,that should always be something added in our hearts already . The quiestion to the topic was not something anyone did wrong and holds a need to ask god over and over in what they did wrong in their own life to be told they were dying ,or lies through out life .the topic was ,once the doctors told you ,that there is no cure ,there is no medical treatment for what ever term or cause it may of be .that all in all ,your life has been shorten ,would you or would you not discuss this news with loved ones right away .would you share this news of dying ,with love ones and feel their lives changing over the news in how they are treating you ?would you share this news with loved ones and accept how it is affecting more than just you in knowing ?would there be a list of things in dreams you want do or just spend rest remaining time you have left with all you love ,or would you just take a vacation and die alone and spare all you love .i guess that answer will have many different ways as each is different ,i only wished to hear replies of what if ,it was you that was told ,news of dying ,what would you share and not share with loved ones ? :)

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