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Im Glad That I Found Trap17

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so I can put my comments here in this section? cant I? I don't know if this is the best andthe right thread for my topic please moderators feel free to move my topicin the right section thank you :)Well has been googling today because some of my friends told me that I must blogfor extra money and blogging is one way best way for teens like me to earn money onlinewell im not a geek about this and im a newbie I don't even know how to code.my topic is not about coding XD why Im googling? my friend of mine told me that I mustuse my own domain and my own host for blog well I dont know what is a host and a domain as wellXD how silly, but suddenly he explains all the basic things that I must know and he saidthat to get a host and a domain I must have a credit card and a paypal in order for me to payfor that but he said that there are free webhost giving free domain and a free host onlinejust search in google so that i search...I found many websites I compare them their reviews, customer comments and recommendationsand I saw that Xisto is in the top so I go and check this out I thought it only gives free hostbut after exploring the forum I saw that it also gives me a free domain name which is good forme a newbie blogger.For Xisto.thanks for your service and hope you wont get tired of giving free for your users :Dmore powers and god bless to your service.Im still waiting for my account to be link in the xisto billing support thank to mr.anwii for instructing me what to do :(Hope I can get a better and nice blog someday with Xisto

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Yea as your waiting for your account to be linked. Don't stop posting! Even though your account is not linked you can still accumulate myCENTS as all your posts before your account was linked will count towards them. So keep up the great posting!

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Yea as your waiting for your account to be linked. Don't stop posting! Even though your account is not linked you can still accumulate myCENTS as all your posts before your account was linked will count towards them. So keep up the great posting!

thanks :) my account is link now and im so happy with it its always updating faster than I thought..
I thought it will update only ever 5 hours but it updates regularly without an hour well maybe their
server is on its faster mode today :D so im going to post many many replies and topics to earn more today and
zagubadu- (offtopic) hows your problem? is it ok now? and working properly? hope you fixed that soon

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I'm really happy I found this website too! I have been looking for a good, reliable web host for many, many months now.
I started on freewebs, and I realized after a few days that it was a really bad host, for serious websites. It is okay to just mess around on, or starting out, but it isn't for anyone who wants to own their own *serious* website. So, I then moved on to loads of other hosts, and none of them satisfied my needs. I soon heard of weebly, and I thought it wax pretty cool for about a week. Then, I realized I need more than JUST pre-loaded templates and a small website like this. So, I heard of things like mySQL databases, and began searching for web hosts that provided that. I found the best ones were the ones that provided cPanel.

Anyways, after a while, and some more google searches, I finally found Xisto! I read about how you post to earn credits, and I thought that was a pretty awesome idea. I had heard of another website that did this, but I was too late to sign up. They were closed down.

So, after I signed up here, I am now posting every day, so I can one day own my own *REAL* website.

Thank you Xisto for hosting this awesome website! Keep up the good work. :)

P.S. I also enjoy how friendly everyone here seems to be. I have been on many forum boards, and I have never found such a nice group like this, (not trying to be a kiss *bottom*, I just enjoy the community here, and wanted to post my opinion.)

hey I also do try that freewebs thing and use a co.cc but im not satisfied with their free hosting you dont
got all the freedom :(. Yeah I agree with you in that Xisto is so good for giving free :P I don't know if they earned
something for giving free services? All members are friendly here :D I am new but I didn't feel being O.P ( out of place) there
is always someone whos there to help me in my inquiries and asks my questions and also thanks for you for
replying into my topics :P

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I'm really happy I found this website too! I have been looking for a good, reliable web host for many, many months now.I started on freewebs, and I realized after a few days that it was a really bad host, for serious websites. It is okay to just mess around on, or starting out, but it isn't for anyone who wants to own their own *serious* website. So, I then moved on to loads of other hosts, and none of them satisfied my needs. I soon heard of weebly, and I thought it wax pretty cool for about a week. Then, I realized I need more than JUST pre-loaded templates and a small website like this. So, I heard of things like mySQL databases, and began searching for web hosts that provided that. I found the best ones were the ones that provided cPanel.Anyways, after a while, and some more google searches, I finally found Xisto! I read about how you post to earn credits, and I thought that was a pretty awesome idea. I had heard of another website that did this, but I was too late to sign up. They were closed down.So, after I signed up here, I am now posting every day, so I can one day own my own *REAL* website. Thank you Xisto for hosting this awesome website! Keep up the good work. :)P.S. I also enjoy how friendly everyone here seems to be. I have been on many forum boards, and I have never found such a nice group like this, (not trying to be a kiss *bottom*, I just enjoy the community here, and wanted to post my opinion.)

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hey I also do try that freewebs thing and use a co.cc but im not satisfied with their free hosting you dontgot all the freedom :( . Yeah I agree with you in that Xisto is so good for giving free :) I don't know if they earned
something for giving free services? All members are friendly here :D I am new but I didn't feel being O.P ( out of place) there
is always someone whos there to help me in my inquiries and asks my questions and also thanks for you for
replying into my topics :(

I'm also gald that i found Xisto, i guess it found me lol. I came across the site while looking for 'who is go daddy?' back in 07' :D . Before I came into the 'Web designing' hobby and such after being a hardcore gamer for years. B) You should rather find a good free host (just so you know, you're currently in one) than use freewebs, in my opinion. Also, I suggest that you should use co.nr rather than co.cc for dns or domain forwarding. :)

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I'm also gald that i found Xisto, i guess it found me lol. I came across the site while looking for 'who is go daddy?' back in 07' :) . Before I came into the 'Web designing' hobby and such after being a hardcore gamer for years. :) You should rather find a good free host (just so you know, you're currently in one) than use freewebs, in my opinion. Also, I suggest that you should use co.nr rather than co.cc for dns or domain forwarding. :D

wow your a web designer? I want to do design websites too but currently im not that good in CSS :( I only know HTML a little
bit but not that good in it. your story is nice XD and funny searching who is go daddy ahaha your silly XD youve got
me there huh? :D

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