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Link Errors

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i uploaded files on my account as index.htm and the rest when i tried my url i get same old welcome page how can i get my homepage???nothing happens with my uploaded files ..how can i dispaly my homepage?pls help on hosting

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oh ya i had that problem i didnt understand why. either you replace the index.html in www. or in public_html but you should also check if its .htm or .html they are not the same things.

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Please put your index pages in the "public_html" section in order for it to work. Then you should delete the Xisto welcome page.

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Thanks for the help actually i have all files with extension .htmso as opaque suggested i will delete the .htm file in the WWW folder well if it works then ok.i heard that my Account will get deleted if they do not see my webpage in weekhow can i save my account then? i dont think i m close to the week now..pls help opaque.

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