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Automated News Update Doubt.

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Dear friends I have seen many sites showing the news updates from other sites on theirs. Always I thought how it was accomplished actually. Here I would like to mention an example as shown in the below link. You can see a section in the left top itself headed as “News from across the web” and below this heading actually news link are shown which corresponds to different websites. 

Here what I would like to know is that these news headings are daily updates –
1. Is it updated daily automatically from the news site server as such or the operators over there at in.com are updating it manually. 
2. Moreover If some one wants to show daily news updates from other sites in his site then is it necessary to get permission from them for the same. 
3. If so what is the procedure for the same. 
4. How we can show the daily news updates on our sites automatically. 
5. Is it something related with RSS. 

Please provide me answer in detail with the process to add updates automatically. Thanking you all in advance.  

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5. Is it something related with RSS.?

It seems like this is the case, as these websites seem to all have RSS feeds. If it is RSS, then i highly doubt permission is needed since RSS is a publicly available feature of websites and that you are basically directing users to their page anyway (although the website you reference uses frames—which can be "closed"—to display these external websites).

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