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Make Money 500-35,000

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Ok you may think I am joking but it's really you can choose how much money you can make. Of course there is a limit and you need different opportunities.

This is topic fits better into this category than how to make money category! :D I think.

Ok straight to the point. Have you seen advertising on billboards, newspapers busses etc?.

Well you can make money by advertising someones company on your body. I am serious you can get cash for that. There is been lots of people that really got money for advertising some ad on their forhead.

Just look how many people on ebay are selling their bodies for money...


This is just one guy with like 9,000 bid for his forehead

Here is the genius that came up with the Idea. The quote is from http://www.g4tv.com/

The Internet has created many unlikely financial opportunities for enterprising individuals, but Andrew Fischers get-rich scheme was weirder than most: he sold his forehead on eBay. More precisely, he rented out his forehead to SnoreStop as an advertising venue.

Whether youre appalled by what this says about our society or youre just jealous you didnt think of it first, Andrews tale is becoming more and more common in this age of blessed grilled-cheese sandwiches. In fact, that particular eBay auction inspired him to put his forehead up for grabs.

Everybody looks at you when youre talking, so I figured that it could be ad space, he said.

The SnoreStop company paid Andrew $37,375 for the privilege of placing their logo on his forehead. Who likes snoring? I dont

Andrew says hes put most of it in the bank, though he did make one small splurge. I actually went out and bought a video card, he said. Hes also planning on putting himself through college with the aim of becoming a 3D animator for the special effects industry. Of course, he might have to sell more advertising.

Visit Andrews official website at http://www.humanadspace.com/.


Yep he got 37,000 for advertising snorestop on his forehead.

What do you think whould you do that for some cash??

I would in a way. It depends how long and what kind of ad. :D

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Ha.....advertise on my forehead? Thats incredible....I have never thought of something like that. Well, we dont have anything like that down here in my country (Nigeria). Maybe i would have considered doing something like that if I am over there in the USA.Until then..........

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