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A Government Office.

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Recently we were having a project with a government department. You will not believe dear the way they work, simply amazing and unbelievable. Their office time is 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM, but most of them don’t even reach their seats before 11:00 AM. After that in their respective groups they go for a tea. About 11:30AM they all come to their seats and then slowly start their work. After working for an hour or so at 01:30 they all go for lunch break and even though the lunch break finishes at 2:00 but they reach their seats at 2:30 to 2:45 PM. Then again work for one hour or so and then they want a cup of tea or cigarettes etc. Again at 4:00 PM they start at their seats and 5:00PM they close their work. I have never seen such an awesome condition in any department. If properly done I think they are about 200 workers over there in this office and their work can be done by only 50 hard working employees. And the government is paying or in other words wasting huge amount of money as these 150 workers who frankly speaking are just passing their time in such offices. What to do, I think a huge revolution in the general public may only change such situations. These types of government servants should be beaten in public according to me. I really felt very bad when I encountered this situation so I wanted to share this with all you friends over here.?

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That certainly sounds like every government employee I know! And we as taxpayers are footing the bill for this garbage. Do we have any Red Green fans here? He made a statement on one of his shows that I dearly love and still remember and use frequently. "When you stop learning you end up having to go to work for the government." It truely seems that way to me. Take for example a vet working for the government. No decent vet would work for the paltry sum the government pays, but if he is a lousy vet and so bad that he could not hold down a private practice, that is where he will end up. And then we all suffer because the government has poor quality people, but they are in pwoer because they work for the government, and they are the ones regulating the rest of us, even though they are too stupid to run their own business.

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