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Linux Users: Start Doing Something Useless With Your Life Today. Introduction to three small, but fun (for a few seconds..) programs

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I'm going to introduce you to three small, seemingly useless yet fun programs available to linux users. In reality, they aren't completely useless, but unless someone can tell me what they can be used for.. I'm going to say they are pretty darn close!

First, download and install a couple small programs while you read.

sudo apt-get install figlet toilet


This probably comes pre-installed on Linux and was used to divide papers for large print jobs. You can use it to make simple banners, and have a bit of fun.

banner Xisto


If banner gave you an insatiable desire for more banner making tools, (and I hope you're not THAT interested, because it would be weird), there is even more fun to be had. Assuming banner kept you amused for more than a minute, your figlet installation should be complete. Let's try it out.

figlet Xistofiglet -f slantfiglet -kf slant

There are a few fonts to try, use the figlist command to view the, and use them with the -f flag (replace slant). -k Spreads the letters out a bit.


Our third and most modern looking banner maker is called Toilet. Don't ask me where the name came from. It's kind of like FIGLET but improved. It can do colour! Using it is simple:
toilet Xistotoilet -f bigmono9 --metal Xistotoilet -f future --gay Xisto

There are a few options, filters and fonts to play with. The two main filters are "Metal" and "Gay". Metal gives your large banner a blue,greyish gradient colour, while the Gay filter gives you a rainbow coloured banner.

Here are a few examples, unfortunately I can't show a toilet colour example because I can't paste colour.


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