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Question For Sport Fans.

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Ok, I'm really curious about something I've been hearing about on the news. Since I know virtually nothing about sports, I can't understand what all the fuss is about, hopefully somebody can enlighten me.There has been quite an uproar recently in that Rush Limbaugh was going to buy a sports team. (as I mentioned, I'm not a sports fan, I don't even know what kind of a team, football, baseball, whatever) Anyway, because he is a talk show host, everyone is saying he can't buy the team. What on Gods green earth does that have to do with him buying the team? I thought this was America, land of the brave and the free, and if you have the money and something is for sale, you could buy it? What's all the fussing about?

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I dunno what about sports, but for the English Premier League, someone buying a club is big news. As it is a widely popular, if not the most watched sports, owing a club is like speeding down the expressway in a roll royce. It is like welcome to the filthy rich club.

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