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New Innovative Mmorpg, Tera New Third Gen MMO :3

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Well seeing how this area of the thread hasn't been updated much, and I haven't seen any information within this forum concerning the new new MMORPG, Tera. I'll just give a little information on it even though I haven't learned all that much about the game besides what I've heard and seen via videos and forums. I can say easily that this game is very unique as compared to any other MMORPG I've seen. As in the character is actually you and totally depending on you and your actions.

Anyways let me start, Tera is a mmorpg that is third gen game that is based on more action than the usual MMORPGs you see out there today. The game's environments are fined and tuned to perfection, the characters are designed uniquely and their isn't two races that look the same actually. There is currently 6 races, Aman, High Elves, Castanics, Baraka, Humans and Popori and 8 classes to choose from, Warrior, Slayer, Berserker, Lancer, Archer, Elementalist, Sorceror and Priest. The battle system of the game is slightly resembling that of your adventure games or action title games. You are able to move around and dodge attacks, fight numerous monsters at a time, it really does give the feeling of true combat. There is no one click fighting within Tera, what exactly do I mean? I mean when you just click attack on a monster and your toon just constantly attacks this creature till its dead. Tera doesn't use that type of mechanic as its more or less bland, they want to captivate the user within the game itself, making them keep all their attention to the battle ahead of them. Thats why I find this game so unique, it combined several things that I think would make a game fun and playable by all.

I'll post more edits when I learn more about the game but if you want some definition on races and classes I'm more than welcome to post some information on them.

Also guess what? There is an english site too for Tera :3. As it seems they do have plans to carry it over to English players.

It can be found here: http://tera.enmasse.com/?lang=en

Enjoy :).

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the site and image looks nice, and the gameplay screenshots seems great, i just hope my pc can play this xD

another two things that i hoped in 3d mmorpg these days:

- a real action game, because you see, whatever game it is, it just "do left click and see your character fight until the death". i dont mind if it just a combo-combat like cabal, or even much nicer like phantasy star universe, i just want to make use of my hands rather than just do left clicking :)

- a balance in the class. you know, the 3d mmorpg game these days seems to love a head-to-head frontal fight. and for the other class who use range attack, their weapon are useless simply because the enemy can approach them within 1 second running, and again it will be a head-to-head frontal fight (and the most ridiculous thing is that magician in RF online who use their magic casting in front of their enemy, it just funny and a waste of healing items) =.=


hope they have it :(

Edited by FouGilang (see edit history)

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Yes this game will have it but I have heard its a few creators from Lineage 2 Team that helped in the development of this game. Also how you attack is dependent on where you are facing, its direction controlled. The game will have PVP but I'm not sure if it will be open world PVP or it will have instances, or probably they will try to cater to both types of players who enjoy PVE and PVP. It was announced that they will try to implement everything that a user will want so lets hope it isn't empty promises. But as far as gameplay goes I think the game should be interesting to play but probably will take a lot of your time.

Let me put a few videos here for your viewing pleasure lol :):

You can see the battling is fast paced and normally against a large group of monsters <- The big love for me because I'm normally on MMOs like FF11 where the boss creature you are fighting is normally just one large monster or you cannot fight mobs because you will be trampled. Well not saying that within this game you won't be trampled by mobs, of course discretion is always needed by every player. If a monster is just too strong why fight it along with a mob?

Anyway they are currently trying to balance all the classes, well that's what from what I heard on the official korean Tera site but this is the purpose I suppose of their current closed betas in Korea to fix problems and see which is abused and possibly which class is more used than another due to x skill etc. Although I do find that Sorcerors, Elementalists and Archers may have it a tad harder to me because they have to aim for their attacks with their mouse. Oh yes and did I add their is no auto targeting, meaning you will have to aim up your attacks so they can hit. Archers, Sorcerers, Elementalists have a pointer with their mouse to aim their attacks while Melee classes (Lancer, Slayer, Berserker, Warrior) attack directional, meaning where you are standing you will only attack what is before you.

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oh my, that's quite a nice gamei dont see any mouse click (and the cursor? o_o) in the gameplaythe priest can also do battle without have to afraid being too much burden (well, still hit and run, typically)it can even have many customizable thing on the character like phantasy star 0_0anyway, why does that elf character have to move their body like that?they're not-so-in-battle-condition xD

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All Preist Heal skills are AoE so their isn't any aiming with it. Just everyone has to make sure they are within range of the priest's cast. The only classes with aim cursors are Archer, Sorcerer, Elementalists and forgot to add within my last post Priests do as well actually but it only affects for their damaging attacks not the healing ones and buffing skills (well assuming that they do have buffing skills being the priest class which would make sense).

But yes I do agree on the High Elves sorta looking frail, you can wonder if they actually can take a hit but since they want the game to be diverse they are allowing all races to play all occupations. So yes you can have a High Elves Lancer. Frail looking person with a giant lance :3 and Shield hehe.

But yes I'm glad you like the game xD I'm very pumped for this game as well, I've been waiting for some time but sadly I couldn't get into the Korean CBT2 which is happening this weekend, well it already started hence the videos finally popping up of the gameplay of the game. Customization is pretty good, they are trying to implement even more faces and random etc stuff to make users to can feel more unique within in game. I'm fine with their system actually for that than believing I would see an Aion character creation, yes that character creation customization is probably more powerful but Aion only has 2 races as opposed to Tera that has 6 races, in which each of them are all unique. If they were going to make Tera with that sort of system, the game will never be finished plus I like that they force you to keep aspects of your race. In Aion you could make yourself look like w/e strange creature xD that didn't even match anything within that world or ALL worlds entirely. -Remembers seeing Big Bertha while playing Aion- >_<.

Anyawy more viddies to appeal yours even more ;D:
http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <- I like this one a lot, Popori Panda ;D cutest thing lmao with a Giant Sword.

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Well here is another video update, this time its showing all the classes and several races of the game. Its obvious these characters are a tad high in level by how easily they take down their enemy opponents. But its still nice to know how the game will be like! and guess what there is jumping! xD Before I thought the gamy wouldn't allow jumping because only slayers had a jump skill which was their dodge skill basically, but recently they added Jumping within the game for all classes, of course its not as good as the dodge skill giving to the slayers but I'm sure all classes have a dodge/shield skill to help them with incoming attacks. Now I wonder if they will implement swimming too for the later beta tests :))).


Also my favorite race is definitely Castanic hands down, they just have that nice wiggle about them xD. Sorceror <3

Edited by Unknown_99 (see edit history)

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