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Wassie Is Busy... but will get active in about 1/2 days...

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hi ya'llits been a long time,i was idle for a long time :Dand i'm gonna explain to ya why...at the moment i have vacation, *you ask why i'm not active then...i got vacation because we got this event here called "carnaval" i really have no idea whats it's called in english, but still,its this crazy event that last about 4 days and people get dressed in those crazy outfits, and will drink all day long... and party B)so i'v now been drinkin for 3 days... but is really fun... but the problem is that you party until about 5 am.. and then you sleep along time... and then you feel really sleepy and then you are going to drink and party again :Dso thats why i'm not been this active lately,ow and exually there is an other reason also,you probally know the great game WoW (world of warcraft)well me and my little bro have been playing that like madmans...its a so good game! :D but dont wory it was only a beta and it has allready ended.but... now we are going to buy the game, but now we are gonna buy it... its no problem i'm not going to play it That much :D so toda? its the last day of the event, but and tomorrow its my mom's birthday,and after that i'm gonna enjoy my vacation and try to get more active at Xisto B)i personally want to thank OpaQue for handeling all the hosting requests,he is doing a great job for Xisto.... *wassie claps for OpaQueand let me know if you also gonna play WoW,maybe we can help eachother out... :Dgreetingswassie

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It sounds like you've been having fun Wassie. hehe Good on you! :D I just got an email from a friend that said she was having a jolly good time with "Carnival" too. Must be quite a party! Happy Birthday to your mum :D

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It sounds like you've been having fun Wassie. hehe Good on you! :D I just got an email from a friend that said she was having a jolly good time with "Carnival" too. Must be quite a party! Happy Birthday to your mum :D



yea it really is fun :D

but "Carnaval" is over now...

if feel rather sleepy now but its oke,

thanks for congatuating my mom :D


any1 does play WoW here?

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