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Xisto ! Whats the secret behind

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How the entire this is being done ?? how is it managed ?? who pays for all ? ?Trap 17 --- > My Cents ---- > Xisto Products ( eg. domain names ) How is this carried out ?? That too they offer free signups for the forum, they don't charge at all , 0 adv. how is this possible ??I know that i am trying to ask the business strategy which is being followed, but still can one of the Admins / moderators can tell me ? and please be precise in answering :lol:

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yeah i want to know this secret too.. why you guys keep surviving isn't it because of the ads? or what?why you give free hosting and free domain by means of mycents? since you can earn with it and your servers are fast and if you make your hosting services for paid and not for mycent for sure you will become rich.. thank God this company is good and kind :lol: they give us free... just to participate and be active in this forum.. guys let's support them.. a simple click into the adsense is not that difficult.. (I click it not everyday google will detect my ip)

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I too will be waiting for a more knowledgeable person to reply, but I have made some observations regarding this matter and I will list them out below.


--> Not all members ask for free hosting over here. There are quite a handful of members who support Xisto by paying for their hosting/domains. This is one source of income.


--> The ads, of course, are an important part of the income. I'm sure they form a large chunk of the money earned, even if that total is small.


--> https://xisto.com/ is a place where you can't pay with myCENTs. It is also a part of the Xisto Corporation and the people who buy from there pay real money. So I guess this is yet another source of income :lol:


Whoops! My list is already over! I don't know if there is any other source of income for the company, but I sure do know that the owner has a kind heart and won't let us down should there be any problem. I'm also sure that if there is any problem, a lot of members will be ready to support Xisto. I pray that such a day shouldn't come, but I know we'll be ready for anything :P

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