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Driving On The Road Pet animals a hindrance

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I am quite sure many of the people over here must be skilled drivers ( whether its a 2 wheeler or 4 wheeler ). But these days very often i find something irritating on the roads. Ya every one loves pet animals i do agree. I too love pet animals. Cats , Dogs etc. but when i see these crossing the road just in front of my wheels, i really get on my nerves. That too what to do ? They just come right in front of my wheels , i don't know whether these animals got a snap shot of my number plate in their eyes and they keep looking when i will come. Seriously people, this is damn irritating. Cats / Dogs crossing the road that too when you are driving a 4 wheeler , ya u hit it , or apply brakes . . u don't get injured, but on the other hand when you drive a 2 wheeler and if a Cat jumps into your wheels you fall down , and the one who is coming behind you has his wheels on you . And adding on to this these days when your drive by a park side or a place where there are good many number of trees, these squirrels too adds to the chaos. They are just God's creation and i too love them , but when they cross the road in front of you when you are in a 2 wheeler , you just feel like blasting them with words . So here my argument is not to find out what words to use on animals, but just to ask you people is there any way to stop this ? animals/ pets crossing the roads ? Can some one suggest some meaningful way ? The worst part of this is in India , if you take your vehicle and dash certain animals like pig etc. then the next day they sell off the vehicles believing in some superstitious beliefs, and there are few people watching out when the guy will dash a pig so that he can flick that vehicle for a cheaper price. And one more thing is that if the owner of that animal is around that he is gonna charge the driver, poor fellow. But on the other hand , if the same animal crosses a railway track and if it gets hit, the owner of that animal is Busted for allowing his animal to cross the railway track. So why not the same policy be applied for roadways too ?? , So just to avoid all these things common people come out with some idea , so that we can have a better and a safer driving and can prevent accidents caused by these pet animals .

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I am quite sure many of the people over here must be skilled drivers ( whether its a 2 wheeler or 4 wheeler ). But these days very often i find something irritating on the roads. Ya every one loves pet animals i do agree. I too love pet animals. Cats , Dogs etc. but when i see these crossing the road just in front of my wheels, i really get on my nerves. That too what to do ? They just come right in front of my wheels , i don't know whether these animals got a snap shot of my number plate in their eyes and they keep looking when i will come. Seriously people, this is damn irritating. Cats / Dogs crossing the road that too when you are driving a 4 wheeler , ya u hit it , or apply brakes . . u don't get injured, but on the other hand when you drive a 2 wheeler and if a Cat jumps into your wheels you fall down , and the one who is coming behind you has his wheels on you . And adding on to this these days when your drive by a park side or a place where there are good many number of trees, these squirrels too adds to the chaos. They are just God's creation and i too love them , but when they cross the road in front of you when you are in a 2 wheeler , you just feel like blasting them with words .
So here my argument is not to find out what words to use on animals, but just to ask you people is there any way to stop this ? animals/ pets crossing the roads ? Can some one suggest some meaningful way ? The worst part of this is in India , if you take your vehicle and dash certain animals like pig etc. then the next day they sell off the vehicles believing in some superstitious beliefs, and there are few people watching out when the guy will dash a pig so that he can flick that vehicle for a cheaper price. And one more thing is that if the owner of that animal is around that he is gonna charge the driver, poor fellow. But on the other hand , if the same animal crosses a railway track and if it gets hit, the owner of that animal is Busted for allowing his animal to cross the railway track. So why not the same policy be applied for roadways too ?? , So just to avoid all these things common people come out with some idea , so that we can have a better and a safer driving and can prevent accidents caused by these pet animals .

i don't know how to drive i am sorry i prefer to commute than to drive my own car or vehicle because commuting save me a lot of money and while saving money i am also helping our environment to Global Warming crisis that we are experiencing..
maybe if you are living in america or into a low temperature country you wouldn't feel the heat unlike in our country you feel like someone is frying you in a frying pan with a big fire into the stove.. don't wait to experience what we are experiencing in our country.. save earth as long as you can

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The funny thing about these animals is that they get the urge to cross the road only when any vehicle approaches! When the road's clear they never seem to cross - I think they're in for a bit of an adventure. I've had many close encounters with these adventure-seekers and have taken a fall as well due to them :lol:

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There is no foolproof way to keep animals away from the roads. If you see a large animal near the road and think you have time to avoid hitting it, reduce your speed, tap your brakes to warn other drivers and sound your horn and if the animal is in your path, brake firmly but do not swerve to avoid it. Sound your horn in a series of short bursts to frighten it away. Provided you can slow down with control, steer around the animal but stay on the road if possible and watch out for incoming vehicles.If a collision seems inevitable, don't swerve to avoid the animal, the risk of injury is greater if you do.Community involvement could help lessen accidents due to this cases, but these things can always happen.Drivers should always be vigilant.

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Anyone who is a responsible PET owner would not allow their pet animals to run loose and create traffic problems, so I don't think that is too much of a problem. Pets do on occasion accidently get loose though, no matter how careful a person is, so there is always that to watch for. In this area, it is the wild animals that are a big problem. Lately the roads around here are nearly paved with those stupid armidillos. As many of them as I have seen squished on the road, you'd think they'd become extinct. And today with the cheap fiberglass cars we have on the road, even small animal/ car collisions can be very expensive for the driver. Our son hit a racoon with his mini van and did over $2000 worth of damage to the front end of the vehicle. That's crazy for something no bigger than a coon. Where I used to live it was not uncommon at all for deer to get hit on the highway. Even some years back they could really mess up a car, but not nearly as bad as they could now. I've hit 2 or 3 deer, and luckily only one time was there any real noticable damage, I lost a drivers side mirror a couple years ago on our little car, but that was all. (although a month or so later the drivers window disinagrated one day when I just gently closed the door, and I think that was from the deer plowing into it.They used to make some kind of a little gizmo that you could attatch under the fender wall of your car that would supposedly make a whistling noise animals could hear and would get out of the way, but who know's if they really worked or not. Seems like they could hear the engine easier. I know our little dog can recognise the sound of our car three quarters of a mile away when we are coming home.

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