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Hitler Moustache Why does it have such a stigma?

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Why has one moustache style been able to embody all the fear and evilness normally associated with fascism or Nazism?And while we are on the subject, when will the name Adolf lose the massive stigma attached to it?

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1. Why do you call it the Hitler 'stache? Exactly why it has such a stigma behind it... because we recognize that stigma through the symbol of having a Hitler 'stache. Is it wrong to have one? No. Is it even wrong to do a Nazi salute or to be fascinated with the history of the Holocaust? No... but some people will still see it that way.

Even Germans are rather ashamed of their history and it is a general rule not to speak of the Holocaust, period, in any public establishment or anywhere where you can be overheard... especially if you're American. No German likes revisiting that dark chapter of history... and yes, they understand the word "Holocaust," most likely because the word is the same in German. :lol:

2. The same goes for Adolf. A while ago, a couple was chastised for naming their son by the same name. Their reasoning was because it was different, unique, and no one else would name their son by that name. (For good reason.) It didn't help this reasoning, however, when authorities and officials saw that the names of the other children were "Nazi-themed." (Try this article here.) Even though a name's a name, kids and adults that know of the history behind the name with either feel badly for those children or shun them in disgust... and that's only because of the history behind it.

Makes me wonder what would happen if Adolf Hitler's name would have been Joe Smith...

Until history forgets Hitler and his heinous crimes, these two issues will persist. No one cares that Adolf Hitler was a brilliant strategist and propagandist. They'll only find the name as a synonym for a theme of genocide.

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The 'stache as it is known is something only a certain hairstyle can grow, so you won't find too many people capable of sporting it. But yeah, it has a rather bad iconic image that really seems to stand the test of time.The name Adolf will always carry an infamous quality, and I don't think people will forget the connotations anytime soon. Recognize the name Napoleon? That's the same situation, and it has a 100 year lead on Adolf. The only thing that can really go so far to remove the name's stigma from history would be to erase history altogether, and that would take another world war or a big brother society where naming wouldn't matter anyhow. Let's all hope nothing of the sort happens in our lifetime or in the far future!

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Or simply a very, very long time? I just think its time people stopped associating symbols with the ideas and practices of those who teach them. The Hitler 'stache is a perfect example but I can think of others. The Burka? A headscarf? Denim Jeans?

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The use of symbolism is fundamentally an integral part of the human psyche, we can't help but live without it (its a part of what we are and always will be). But i agree that the masses allow themselves to be influenced too much by generalizations, which are promoted by those who seek to take personal advantage. (such as using symbols of fear or idolization as a tool to control people)

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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