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I Hate College

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College is so stressful, ive barely got done with my second week and i already want to kill myselfIve been in the most horrible mood all this weeki hate waking up earlyi hate not being able to sleep (i go to sleep at 10, wake up at least 4 times in the middle of the night and wake up at 6)i hate being cranky because im not eating (ur supposed to gain 10 pounds your first year? i just lost 3 in two weeks)i hate having to wait through horrible lecturesi hate people coming up to me trying to speak to me in spanish, i know spanish, but come on, cant you at least TRY to speak english? if i did, why cant you?i hate the weather, yersterday it was 116 degrees in the part of san diego i live ini hate feeling like im going to pass out the whole day, then getting home to more stress, everyone wants something from me, dont they understand college is stressfull enough?i hate not really having anyone that i know in my classes, why are the friends i know who go here, so stupid? i mean seriously you passed 4 years of high school and you land yourself IN MATH 45? MATH 45? seriously? (i was looking at my friends notes, and im not kidding you, it was adding fractions)i hate being the youngest person in all my classes.i hate how much homework i have, everyday, type this, type that, and i dont have ink, i wonder what my grade is.i hate guys.i hate the way the buildings are arranged, im always so lost, i hate walking in circles in front of people.i hate people calling me by my first name.I guess im just going to have to wait, maybe things will get better with college, who knows, maybe once i find a reason why i like to go, or a reason to go? how was your first year of college like? hopefully not as BAD as mine

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My first semester of college was like this. I knew nobody that went there, and I was completely stressed out by the sudden change in pace. However, that quickly subsided. Now I love it. After you get your GE's out of the way and you start taking classes relevant to what you want to do with your life, it is fascinating. I've found that I don't need to take notes anymore in these classes. When you're learning something you are actually interested in you'd be surprised how well you can remember everything. I too hated waking up early so after my first semester, I started taking late classes starting around 11 or noon. I do, however, feel your pain about the heat. Here in Los Angeles it's not 116?, but it's pretty close, and when I've got a bag with my laptop and books in it, it can be exhausting walking around campus. I try to spend as much time inside as possibly can.Don't give up! It's a big change in your life but I guarantee that once you get into it, you'll like it.

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I have definitely been there especially 6 years out of high school, luckily the classes I was taking were most computer courses and so it as relatively easy. It was those other classes, English, history, science, public speaking, statistics that were mind numbing. I paced myself at 2-3 classes a semester just I wouldn't overwhelm myself with all that work.Of course, I definitely had to change a lot of my habits , mostly everything that would distract me such as TV, computer, video games, people. I had to change a lot of that so I could sit down and focus. The online classes were a bit more trickier just because I would wonder off doing something else and so I had to slap myself back in focus. One of the biggest things I did when it came to the school work was pace, once I knew my schedule, coursework and what days I had those classes on. Then I would pace my work out on specific days in which I would allot one day for that one class and complete all the work and once done, I close the books and went to do my regular things such as TV, video games and internet.You need to pace yourself in your work, don't try to do it all at once and if I remember correctly your going to a Community College and so I know most of your classes are not on the same day. Also you should find out what resources your school has to help set a more effective way to study and complete the work or see if they have in house tutors who help any students that show up and them figure things out.Yeah college homework is hell, but if you can master pace and put yourself in an environment that will keep you less distracted then it will help relieve the college stress. Remember ask your teachers for help that is why they are there and not to make oyur life hell with giving you 50 hours of homework each night.

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i cant wait to leave this dumb school... i cant wait, sing with me, i cant wait.. no sirmike wont be my roomate, but i got good news, and i will be able to apply for financial aid, no more community college or being sad about it.. yes yesim so happy about it.. sdsu here i come

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My first day in college was the worst nightmare I had ever seen in my life. That day for the first time I came to know what did the term ragging meant. Where ever I could see, I could see only seniors and seniors. On the first day we were introduced to the college culture it was a ..sorry it is a fully residential college, so there was no escape from seniors, you had to deal with them. The first week was the worst one wasn't willing to get over quickly. The seniors made us do things that you wouldn't imagine and the language they used was so offensive. It was like ..we used to think lets run away some where. In the college teachers would eat us and when we used to come to the hostels the seniors would eats us. I was like we were meant to be tortured.We had to wear formals all day and we couldn't sleep before 2, we had to wish each and every senior we used encounter, we would bring eatable for them from the cafeteria.After a while everything started looking normal, we started knowing seniors, our way of interaction changed. Now we were like friends where the junior one should respect the senior one and where the senior one would do anything for the junior one.As day passed our life got eased up and eased up. Now we knew everything about the college. When to attend lectures , how many to attend.Now a days I barely attend more than 7 lectures a week(there are atleast 20 lectures a week). Studying is something you would never see us doing except the day prior to the semester exams. We have nothing to do except sleeping, watching movies, series and playing games(both PC and outdoor). I should say we are living a chill life.The first year was the happening year and I can't forget it.

Edited by munna.raghav (see edit history)

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I'm heading to my second year of college in a couple weeks. Personally, I've really loved it. All the professors there are really nice, I never feel awkward about asking them a question. I love being able to pick out my own schedule and take whatever courses with whatever instructors I want as long as they count towards my degree. I've met up with a few friends I already knew, and made some new friends too. I love how many different backgrounds all the people there come from too, you get to hear some pretty interesting stories. The events the activity board comes up with are pretty fun too. One of the best parts is how often they hand out FREE FOOD! Anyhow, like I already said, I love college. Sorry your experiences with it haven't been so good. :lol:

Edited by Spudd (see edit history)

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College is so stressful, ive barely got done with my second week and i already want to kill myselfIve been in the most horrible mood all this week

i hate waking up early
i hate not being able to sleep (i go to sleep at 10, wake up at least 4 times in the middle of the night and wake up at 6)
i hate being cranky because im not eating (ur supposed to gain 10 pounds your first year? i just lost 3 in two weeks)
i hate having to wait through horrible lectures

i hate people coming up to me trying to speak to me in spanish, i know spanish, but come on, cant you at least TRY to speak english? if i did, why cant you?

i hate the weather, yersterday it was 116 degrees in the part of san diego i live in

i hate feeling like im going to pass out the whole day, then getting home to more stress, everyone wants something from me, dont they understand college is stressfull enough?

i hate not really having anyone that i know in my classes, why are the friends i know who go here, so stupid? i mean seriously you passed 4 years of high school and you land yourself IN MATH 45? MATH 45? seriously? (i was looking at my friends notes, and im not kidding you, it was adding fractions)

i hate being the youngest person in all my classes.

i hate how much homework i have, everyday, type this, type that, and i dont have ink, i wonder what my grade is.

i hate guys.

i hate the way the buildings are arranged, im always so lost, i hate walking in circles in front of people.

i hate people calling me by my first name.

I guess im just going to have to wait, maybe things will get better with college, who knows, maybe once i find a reason why i like to go, or a reason to go? how was your first year of college like? hopefully not as BAD as mine

I was a stranger my first year, and I had to learn to step up my effort at three different times to face three different difficulties of classes. It is stressful, but its better to stress a few years in college than work in McDonalds stressed out for the rest of your life.

I've learned to clam down, and try to find help when I need it. I didn't look for help and managed to do very well, but I never had any time because I was trying to figure things out myself. Now that I'm a tutor, I wish I had gone to the college's tutoring lab to get help. I would have saved myself lots of stress!

As for remedial classes: This occurs when a student remembers stuff for a test and forgets it afterward. Students like these end up in lower classes because they didn't really learn and didn't study for the placement exams/ACT/SAT/CLEP/etc.

Just keep working hard and you'll make it!

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