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Is This Somehow Connected Together Or Just Plain Weird?

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Okay well about six months ago I was almost ready to ask out a girl, then the night before I had a dream that she had already had a boyfriend. The next day (I forget how, maybe on FaceBook, etc) I found out that she did have a boyfriend. After that dream, I didn't have very clear dreams like that anymore. About 3 months or so after that day, I went on FaceBook and noticed an app called "predict the first name of your girlfriend/boyfriend or something like that." I did the quiz, and I got the letter "e" (coincedantally, another girl who I had liked had begun with the letter "e"). After another month or so after that, I had a dream a night ago that was very blurry. The dream was black and white with no color, and my perspective was me or somebody (I couldn't tell) walking down a hallway in the mall, and then in far off in the distance I could see the outline of the person who I liked and another guy (it may have even been me, I couldn't have told because it did look a lot like me). The next day I bought Chinese for dinner and got a weird fortune, that said something along the lines of: "If you think that you can or can't do something, then you are right." One of my lucky numbers was 27, the day that I go back to school (I see her in one of my new classes). Do you think that this is all somehow related or just coincedental?

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Do you think that this is all somehow related or just coincedental?

Coincidental. Chinese fortune cookies and Facebook app answers are not an indication of higher powers trying to tell you something. In all situations, think with a critical mind.

Things like this happen all the time. You were thinking about, so you picked them up and connected them. Don't let this stuff to happen to yourself, it's as stupid as believing in horoscopes(no offense to anyone) or anything else supernatural like medians and stuff.

And BTW, ask the girl out ;)

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