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Ideas To Teach Creativity

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Hi!While at university, I saw a listing for a creative writing class and wondered, "how would somebody teach creativity in writing?" I took up level 1 (Creative Writing 101) and that introduced me to different genres of writing. It also got me to write my first ever short story!If anyone on this forum does get an opportunity to teach a creative writing course, here are my ideas on stuff you could do to get the creativity flowing:1. If you write about something that happened to you, that's creativity too. You can lie about stuff that happened to you - that's being wayy more creative. Then, you can say you were an angel, even if you were a demonic pain for your siblings - still more creativity points! In either case, start with something that happened to you. You can express more clearly something that happened to you and you can write so much more about it. When you live through the experience, you have a picture of what you want to say.2. Try different styles. You might find that a particular style of writing suits you better. Look up works by different authors and try to follow several before you land on one as your preferred style.3. Try some poetry. You really ought to try writing some poetry because it gets you thinking about the way you pick your words. When you make words rhyme, that adds literary effect and you have a perfectly good poem that you can sing out to the class. However, the process of getting there teaches you how you can choose from a wide variety of words to express the same thought. You sometimes come across poems that don't rhyme, but they still have a sense of appeal. It's all in the choice of words.I'd definitely like to see ideas by other members on the forum - post your own idea and write about the stuff you do when you've got writers' block.Regards,Nitin Reddy

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