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Freedom Of Speech, Freedom Of Expression, Freedom

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Intuitively we believe in are right to speak freely, to formulate a rational argument and present our argument from a well formulated system of ideas. Legally we are able to do this with the exception of when things are considered overtly racist, violent or pornographic. But what good is free speech in the presence of a closed minded society. When well formulated ideas can bring a backlash of emotional reactions from the various self-righteous do-gooders of the establishment. As individuals we recognize our words and actions have consequence. For instance a porn star would never be allowed to do a children?s television show. The porn star is thus penalized for his/her freedom of expression in a context that has nothing to do with his/her current job. Similarly a teacher who?s pictures end up in a nuddie magazine is unlikely to be able to hold on to his/her job no matter how good a teacher he/she is. Another society norm is what is a reasonable level of risk that one should accept in society. This can applied to everything from bungi jumping to what is an appropriate blood alcohol limit to drive, to whether air bags should be considered legally mandatory. In some cases the risk is purely to ones self and in other cases there is a risk posed to other members of society that may or may not be considered within acceptable limits due to ones perception. For instance, if someone is sober enough to ride a bicycle drunk should they be charged for drunk driving? What danger does someone driving a bicycle present to other members of society. If the danger is only posed to themselves shouldn?t they have the right to gage what level of risk they feel is acceptable. There are many other contentions issues that are ingrained in our society whose limits are not clearly rationaled except from an emotion context for instance what is an appropriate age to have sex. If an individual whished to challenge some or any of these norms they would face a huge backlashes and labeled as a bad evil person just because they dare think openly beyond the many pre established traditions.

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This post may be off topic but when I see your topic title I could not stop myself to post that Freedom of speech, Freedom of expression ,Freedom all these things are in danger today in NEPAL. Today the king has banned the freedom of his country men.

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