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Free Domain Name Request Should Be Closed.

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Hello,Well I have now been on this forum for a while and keep seeing members posting in the section "Free Domain Name Request" Requesting for a domain or hosting I think that them sections should be closed so new members stop getting confused with that or Make it redirect to the new system topic and how they can get it...What do you think?-Ash.

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Let us resurrect this topic from the dead :lol: . Yes I too agree that the free domain request and the web hosting application section should be removed now because it does nothing but confuse the noobs. Sometimes even returning members do not realize that something is different until they read about Mycent.

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I concur, but let's take it a step further. I think that the entire forum section dedicated to applications for web hosting, in general, should be given a lavish funeral (complete with eloquent eulogy)! No one's posted there for a long time (thankfully), and the "Getting Started" links that we greeters have compiled make certain that our newbies have a very small chance of being so confused as to ever post there. If anything would make them confused, it would be by leaving that forum segment where it is.


Let's get the ball rolling on cleaning this wonderful place up a bit! Go go gadget Trappers! X)

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