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So What Do You Think Of The New Dsi?

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I hear the nintendo DSi is coming out soon and it looks like is has alot of great features. I'm pretty excited about it.



- You can take pictures and edit them


- wifi internet (FINALLY)


- Record and play with your voice with the built in microphone


- Record videos too


- More games


- Buy a memory card and use your DSi as a mp3 player :)




Other features can be seen there. This is great I can't wait to get mine. I recently JUST bought my nintendo DS but now im going to trade it in haha.

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It looks very cool. It sort of bothers me how Nintendo does this though. They put a must have system on the market and then a few years later they make the same one with a bunch of new features so you end up having to also get that one. x3 I still have the oldest one, but I really want the DSi because of the camera. (There are so many days I go, "I wish I could've brought a camera!") The internet would also be cool if you're in the car, but you're still stuck in a game. Right now, I think they're offering it for free or something at this thing that's similar to the Wii Shop Channel.It also looks very very cute, but I shouldn't get my hopes up. I just spent all of my money on Mother's Day stuff. ^^;

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