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Alex Cicala

Real-life Bloom Effect [intermediate] Simple and Easy

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This is a little trick I found out by playing around with payer properties

and blur. It is sometimes very effective too use and is very easy to use,

and remember.




Adobe Photoshop CS.x

Windows or Mac

A real life photo [i find that landscape works best]



Open your image with Photoshop

Create a layer from Background of your image

Then Duplicate that layer and call the new layer "Layer 1"

Select your base layer "Layer 0" and use this filter: Blur > Gaussian Blur, then set the radius to 10

Then select your duplicate layer "Layer 1" and then set the layer property to "Overlay"

Viola, you have completed your effect


The radius on the Gaussian Blur does not have to be 10, you can fiddle with this setting for desired effect.

I have not tried other blur filters, I know Box Blur is similar. You may be able to get a similar effect with Box Blur

Please comment and ask any questions



Before -

Posted Image


After -

Posted Image

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