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Educate People On Cyber Security The need of the hour

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As education is increasing these days, all the fields and all the technology in which people do their research and other studies involves computers. In today's world Computers are stuck up with the technology so called internet. A computer without internet is a body without soul .. ya if computer is the body then internet is the technology which gives life to that body.So i hope every one here will agree with me that internet is one of the major technology used by every one in today's world. For many the day begins with Google , before going to bed they first hibernate their computers and then they go to bed. So computers and internet is a part and parcel of every ones life.Those were the days only people who are doing some studies related with computer used computers. But those are the past . Today everyone , right from a school going kid to an old man every one uses computer along with internet. Now whats the problem in this ?? It is good that everyone uses the modern technology and benefit out of the same , but does everyone know how to use it properly ? Is every one aware of the security threats and dangers in the internet? No, most of them just learn how to use a computer and how to access internet and they start using it without the awareness of the security threats. This is the saddening part.Let me quote a simple example and explain this, lets consider a vehicle, that is a car. If some one wants to use this particular invention ( Car ) he/she can buy it, still can he/she use it ? No.. it cant be used without a proper license. So here in this case why is this license necessary? Even though if the person already know how to drive a car .. still it is a must that he have to go and get a license. The concerned person while obtaining his or her license is thought how to use the car ,not only that, he is also thought what are the risk which he may face, what are the security features he has to consider while driving the car.. All these things are thought and then only the person is allowed to drive the car. This is done just for the safety of the individual and others, safety while driving is our own safety as well as the safety of others.So the same thing is applicable to the present world of computers and internet , i am sure that i can compare the usage of a computer and internet to the usage of a car. It is not enough if the individual posses the computer and learn how to use that . He / She must be thought the security issues in that before using it. Without that if he starts using computers and internet , the person may face some accidents . Here in this realm what are accidents ?? Loss of sensitive data is an accident , he/she may loose his/her password, the passwords may get hacked if the person is not aware of the security issues.So my view is that there must be something implemented like a License to use the internet. When some one sign up for some online bank, email etc. we just click that " I am above 18 " . Please think here , if the person is above 18 then does it mean that he is aware of the security issues over the internet, Noway ! ... Just if i compare with the simple example which i quoted , if the person is 18 then is he/she allowed to drive a car straight away ? No....He has to get the License. Similarly it is high time to Educate people on cyber security , let there be some norms where people go and learn about the basic security issues over the internet and then start using the same,( what i mean here is that let there be something like a License to use the internet and other related technologies, where ...before obtaining that license the person should be thought of the security issues in the internet ) , Thus the modern technologies can be used in a safer way..Else think ... ! What may happen ? Every tom, *BLEEP*, and harry starts to use the internet without knowing the security vulnerabilities, then his/her sensitive information ( eg. Password ) may be meet an accident ( eg. getting hacked ).So wake up people ..wake up, if you have a younger/elder brother or sister or anyone who is using internet without knowing the security issues better teach them , so before them you get to know it first. !!

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The great thing is, most of the new computers come with internet security software (firewalls, anti-virus programs and such). No, just because someone is 18 or older does not mean they know anything about safety and security on the internet. A person should protect personal identifying information (credit card info, bank account info, social security number, etc.) on the internet the same way they would in real life. Most websites on the internet that require you enter personal identifying information have a security system in place to make sure your information is safe. If the website doesn't, don't use it.It is always a good thing to educate your friends and family about security on the internet! There are a lot of resources out there that explain everything about internet security.

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Most websites on the internet that require you enter personal identifying information have a security system in place to make sure your information is safe

A hacker is one who identifies and learns all the security system and finds out the vulnerability in them and exploits. I do agree that all online service has some security system, but still they have vulnerabilities too , so my argument is that Educate every one about all the common vulnerabilities at least, so that they can take care of themselves from hackers and attackers.

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Internet used to be a very scary world of few years back. Then came the Internet with much of the needed security. And we're glad that we can do many of transactions and requests through these networks. But as days are going by we're getting deeper and deeper into more problems in the cyber world. There are newer forms of crimes and there are newer forms of threats. Not only do they steal and have threats to our personal information, they also posed a grave danger to our society. Let's take the example of stealing of credit card information. This phenomenon has been the talk of the hour a few years back. Today we don't think about it necessarily because most of transactions are through secure encrypted techniques. We now feel free to use a credit card. However, phishing has become a new threat because we are not sure in which site we are actually making the transactions. We may be wrongly led into a similar looking website and make a transaction which may result into a false bill.Then comes the major problem of free information. You can virtually get every information on the net about anything and everything. This is a great boon for us but at the same time poses another threat. We may be bombarded with too much of information that we can handle. At the end of the day, it just boils down to one fact, that we may not be ready for all the information that is available on the Internet today. The unwanted or the excess information that we have in the Internet is actually a problem for us. Let's take the example of pornography. Make a Google search with some words that you think you should not be using and you end up with the sites that are totally not acceptable in a family environment. But then many argue that there are several software that you can always installed so that they can prevent this site from coming and of course always have safe search feature enabled. But what if your children can bypass them easily because they also know what to do and how to do.You cannot prevent it, absolutely not possible. This is inevitable. There is absolutely no restriction on which site you are considered to be an adult and not even through their disclaimers before you enter the site. It is increasingly difficult to identify a particular website and stop it. Because one you stop another comes up. The problem that we face today are much more easy to analyse given the scenario of broad understanding that we are concerned or talking about a particular section of people. For example our children or office colleagues. The damage has already been done in most of the cases and there are no specific law to prevent a particular website in one country to be viewed in another country. There is absolutely no global boundary. And also the law in different parts of the world are different and thereby making our society vulnerable to these problems. Some countries allow pornography without any problem and it is a taboo in few countries. But Internet is globally available.The only way to prevent problems that relate to our personal security, our social security and our own well-being, we need to educate people as how to browse the world Internet. Also to prevent most of the illegal activities every Internet user must be made educated, how, when and where, what to do and what not to do. The process must continue.

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Common sense has to come into play as well, just like nottaking candy from strangers. Someone has to learn basic life skills. Somebody who is susceptible torisking their security on the internet, would be the type of personwho would leave their doors unlocked when leaving home. These are things that you have to learn,and sometimes people learn them the hard way.Unfortunately this is unavoidable The idea of needing a license to use the internet strikes me asbeing very right wing though.Just a little too radical.Life is a bumpy road and there is not much that can change that.

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