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I written this security advice for many support services/Forums so i decided to post a copy for Xisto too.Well Choosing security software what's in that?Just install antivirus/firewall,keep it updated and Relax.No this will not help you at all.So in this Tutorial what i am going to cover is Security software (Antivirus & Firewalls [ Both Hardware n Software] Encryption software, Few utilities).At last i will also tell you what to do to avoid virus infecting from your PC.


First Lets start with encryption software why we need it?Encryption software converts your data into secret code & to convert back to original data you need the secret key or password to open it.So data is compltely safe as long as someone gueses your password.For internet encryption plays a great role of saving data from unwanted visitors.Well there are many free utilities for encryption Try the famous free Easycrpto Deluxe software.This is the best one you don't need to look for other utility.There are many shareware/Freeware utility's out there find the utility that suits your requirement and Now we look at tools for Hiding your Folders Try (freeware) Advanced Hide folder utility at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ & to Save your Desktop(Start menu,Icons,disk drives) from others with 1st security administrator Pro at http://www.softheap.com/secpro.html (Trial version/Shareware)


We'll discuss firewall.Firewalls are the most trusted defence tool against hackers.firewall will close unused ports into your computer.it blocks nmap scans,drops pings and leaves hackers unanswered.Well ususally antivirus software provides you with firewall software within it.Firewalls are available in 2 types Hardaware and software. In Software firewall the famous/working/trusted in the market is Zonelab's Zonealarm which is available in free & pro versions.Download it from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ other worth to check out are Cisco at http://www.cisco.com/ and IBM at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ at last Sygate (alternative to zonealarm) at https://www.symantec.com/ While like software firewalls,Hardware firewalls stop something before it reaches the host computer.The best Firewall in the market is Sonicwall at https://www.sonicwall.com/ and Steelgate at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Other vendors to check out are Cisco http://www.cisco.com/ and GTA global technologies at http://www.gta.com/products.html Choice is yours, which to use either software or hardware will do the job.but don't use net without it.


If you are using any antivirus software then keep it updated, this is your only chance of not getting infeted with latest worms/trojans etc.Many antivirus companies now a days allow online free scan of your computer.Try it! Well there are many antivirus companies i will list few of them here. PC-cillin at http://www.trendmicro.de/ or antivirus.com and Norton Antivirus at https://www.symantec.com/ If you want free antivirus then check out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you want free scanner then go to Antidote at http://ww1.vintage-solutions.com/English/Auper/index.html/?gtnjs=1. Well AVG antivirus comes up with free scanner/patterns & updates.available in free/pro versions.I think if you don't want to spend money then AVG free edition is good choice for free Virus scan.


For small utilities that can be used with your AV to keep your PC clean. Trojan Scanners is good choice of protection from trojans.PestControl from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ & Tauscan from http://www.agnitum.com/index.php and Cleaner http://download.cnet.com/windows/ are the famous ones ,Toy is most famous utility that works with Win9x at http://home.earthlink.net/~rmbox/Reticulated/Toys.html. well there are many softwares check out list at http://www.shellcity.net/ (in left nav menu)


Spyware softwares are not new to anyone on the internet,ADaware is the famous utility which can be downloaded from http://www.lavasoft.com/ search and destroy is the best utility for the same purpose at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Many other tools are also on this site) & Hijackthis is famous utility to remove browser scums at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Internet-optimiser and coolwebsearch websites hijacks your browsers so find shreaders for those scums too.i m not sure but spywareblaster will help you in this matter at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to mention clean your explorer after surfing with WindowWasher from https://www.webroot.com/us/en/


I would like to point you to some of the Blocking utilities. Block DoubleClick's useless cookies with this utility at https://www.comodo.com/home/internet-security/anti-malware.php (Afterall cookies are eating space on drive too!) Block Harmful VBS Scripts from embeding virus on your web related files.Use VBS script disabler from symantec http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Block Virus from embeding on HTML files use HTAStop from https://www.comodo.com/home/internet-security/anti-malware.php


Sometime antivirus can't do everything so you have to mantain your computer with system security updates which are necessary.atleast with windows OS you need to update it with security patches every now and then.So Keep your eye on microsoft's security site if there is vulnerability noticed by microsoft then they distribute patches at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/default.aspx.


Follow Few guidelines to keep your computer safe.


1.Don't open any double extention file types e.g.(awesome-openit.avi.vbs) avoid following file types from coming thru email gateways VBS,SHS, EXE, SCR, CHM.


2.Anything that comes to your computer must be scanned with antivirus software.Don't install any internet related setup that asks you to disable firewall and AV.


3.Backup your data every week atleast but disable system restore when virus infects your computer.


4.Contact Anti-virus company when your PC gets infected, or report to IT department in your office.


I will not tell you to keep eye on security sites EVERYDAY so that you'll really get tired.only thing you can do is open account in any forum/BBS which only engaged in security related problems etc.Visit that forum once a month for updating your PC from known probs.


Atlast on which criteria you'll Choose antivirus software,Check few points-First How long you are licensed for updates? How much it will cost you to renew subscription? Regularity of updates week or month? Update or programme with one-click update facilities or login or registration each time u connect?Integration of the Antivirus prog to mail program.?Rescue boot disks creator available at the time of boot sector infection? Choose antivirus programme that allows you with single click updates/weekly update/MS-outlook integartion/and one that allows u to make boot disks to recover from boot sector virus,and finally choice is yours.


Browser Choice is all upto you, i can recommend Firefox (Mozilla's New Deamon) that keeps spyware away from infecting browser.


Security of computer is the main issue,you paid for your computer,your daily work/study/games done on PC.it is part of your daily-life.Don't make compromise in securing your PC.Monitor security issue in continous basis you have to protect PC from scums. I tried my best to take you to the latest tools available for security.I hope my advice works,saves you from some of known problems.So Don't forget to Reply on this.i would love to hear from you via email/PM also.

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Thanks i have worked so hard on windows security issue but i never found any post regarding it.so i decided to post on this issue.anyway u like it that is my reward.keep reading my tuts more will be available soon.

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