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Yoga An Effective Cam For Psychosomatic Disorders Yoga Therapy Is Superior To Just Medication In Some Cases

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Hi all,To all Yoga enthusiasts of the forum, I would like to point to a growing body of research literature that has validated the efficacy of yoga therapy as an effective intervention in cases of psychosomatic conditions. The world's top-ranking mental disorders are Anxiety, mood (major depression and bipolar), somatoform (persistent pain, hypochondriasis and somatization), substance-dependance and psychotic. And yoga therapy has been found to provide relief in most of these conditions, if not as a first-line monotherapy, at least as a second-line monotherapy in conjunction with conventional medication.There is rich evidence, backed by double-blind randomized control trials (RCT) with placebo conditions that corraborate this fact.Any individuals who are afflicted by the above conditions, or know somebody who are, and would like better-quality relief than what standard interventions such as ECT provide, might consider taking up yoga as a CAM therapy.Best,

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