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Hurricane Strength Impacted By Lunar Cycles? MSN News report

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I found this on my Twitter today and thend I did some looking around.

Hurricane strength impacted by lunar cycles?

if these research is right, that would put the 1st Atlantic storm on or about May 24th to June 1st which is the 1st day of the Atlantic season. All the weather and hurricane buffs that I know have all agreed that there will be on in mid to late may. Also if you remember I had made a post that I wish that I could find to link but can not. On the Famers Alamanac also saying that Fla would get a storm around this time. I have always known that the phases of the moon have effected the Tides and weather on earth. I guess now they do this in more ways than we thought.

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Wow! They found a trend between lunar cycles and hurricanes, alright!I never would've thought of looking at the moon's cycles, but one part of me says, "DUH", as in this has something to do with tides.I guess now they will have an easier method of coming up with how strong the hurricane will be, and be a little more precise. Maybe if this trend works for all hurricanes, we may be able to predict this for all of the tropical storms, and prepare ourselves for the hurricane. Evacuations could be set sooner if they know the strength of it.Thanks for sharing this article :D

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well we will just have to wait and see how true this is. As I said the New moon will be on the 24th of May. The start of Hurricane season for the Atlantic starts June 1st. Some have said that there will be a early Tropical storm that will effect Fla in late May. Which if this is right, would mean that this study could be true. Myself I am going to watch this carefully and see just what is what with it. Thing is though. With tides, if you have a full moon that will give you a higher tide. A hurricane will cause a storm surge. Mixing that surge with a full moon tide. well you get the idea. just to give you an Idea. in 2005 with hurricane Katrina. There is a river in mississippi that flows into the Gulf of Mexico called the Pearl River. There was a bridge that at road level was 36 feet above the water line. After the storm they found debris of all kinds on top of the road way. That tells you right there just how high some of these surges mixed with a high tide will do. After reading this again last night. I think maybe some parts of it could be true, but this also could be a warning of the damages of a storm surge and a strong hurricane.

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