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How About Moderating Own Threads? Idea for moderating own threads on trap17

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As thread creators on trap everybody wants that the posts on thier threads are clean and spam free. I am talking about posts like one liners, quoting text which are just above. I found that they are'nt usually deleted considering the huge traffic and posts rate. How about giving moderation powers to thread creators themselves. I know there must be some restrictions to implement it. How about members above 200 posts given moderation power for thier own topics? What do you think would be the outcome if it is implemented? Positive or negative?

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The problem with that is if a person doesn't agree with another person's point of view they could easily just delete the post and besides everyone's MyCents and MyEarnings will be affected by this decision. So it is best just to report it and let the mods take care of it or people will be complaining about freedom of speech and all that stuff.

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I wouldn't say deleting the main thread, but the ability to delete your own posts would be nice for the future. You're the only one who would be losing anything at all in the end, and really sometimes you feel bad or have second thoughts about posting something and its nice to change it. Posting restrictions of 200 or greater would require I guess another script, or they could just define a level of membership privileges, so its simpler. I like the idea, but then again like S_M said, when you delete your thread, other people are suffering also, they lose myCENT and post count, because you changed your mind. '

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Actually I didn't mean that members be given the power to delete posts which they don't like, just because they are the thread starter. But posts like absolute one liners and some silly mistakes by posters like quoting the whole article of the original topic. These posts make the thread less interesting and cluttered. And considering a member who has quite a good number of posts and has been contributing lot to the forum wouldn't be so irresponsible to delete others posts in favour of his interests.

Edited by pasten (see edit history)

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This has been brought up before and in the end the people who run this forums still do not consider it a viable option. Report spam button is enough. Giving control to post starters on being able to delete reply's runs the risk of legitimate post to be deleted. We don't trust you that's the blunt reality.Oh and the number of post count docent mean nothing. Some people just get there quickly by spamming so you cant really put an argument in for saying this person is contributing just because he has a lot of post. Its the quality remember.

Edited by sonesay (see edit history)

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Oh and the number of post count doesn't mean nothing. Some people just get there quickly by spamming so you cant really put an argument in for saying this person is contributing just because he has a lot of post. Its the quality remember.

True, post count doesn't necessarily mean anything, but the quality of the user's posts also doesn't necessarily prove the legitimacy of the user. Experience as moderator of this forum shows that even long time members have the tendency of breaking the rules—sometimes more than once. Also, a lot of posts marked as spam were quality posts.

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As thread creators on trap everybody wants that the posts on thier threads are clean and spam free. I am talking about posts like one liners, quoting text which are just above. I found that they are'nt usually deleted considering the huge traffic and posts rate. How about giving moderation powers to thread creators themselves. I know there must be some restrictions to implement it. How about members above 200 posts given moderation power for thier own topics? What do you think would be the outcome if it is implemented? Positive or negative?

This will probably lead to power abuse. While one-liners are often discouraged, posting more than one line is not a law, and drawing out a response can end up being annoying and overly wordy where a simple sentence would suffice. On top of this, due to the fluid width nature of the boards, any post without explicit line breaks can be a single line if you stretch the browser enough - maybe we should change it to an 'under-forty-worder' or something? :D
Reporting posts should be enough to keep a thread clean, having moderation powers will lead to bias as SM points out (and it was the first thing that came to mind as I clicked on the link to the thread), and the myCENTs system complicates things more.

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