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Ubuntu Packages With No Internet? how to get ubuntu packages without a live internet connection?

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I have installed Ubuntu 7 on a computer which does not have internet access. It was a bit of a pain because I am not experienced with Linux and I could not count on real-time web support while configuring it, anyway I overcame most of the problems and it now runs smoothly with its basic features...Now I'd like to make my installation a bit more complete thus adding a few packages which you normally get through apt-get... I browsed through the package directory on the Ubuntu official website but there are so many packages it'd make no sense to download all of them one by one! moreover I only realize which packages I might need while I am using Ubuntu and at that time I don't have internet access...so I was wondering if there's a way to download the whole package collection (or at least big chunks of it) so that I can burn it to cd/dvd, whatever it takes and take it to the internet-less computer to be installed when needed...any help appreciated :D

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so I was wondering if there's a way to download the whole package collection (or at least big chunks of it) so that I can burn it to cd/dvd, whatever it takes and take it to the internet-less computer to be installed when needed...

Through Synaptic package manager when marking packages for installation and hitting "Apply," you have the option (a checkbox) to download the packages only. Choose all the packages you want even if you don't want to install them and check the checkbox. This will download them all into the apt cache located at /var/cache/apt/archives. To clear the cache afterwards type in the terminal
sudo apt-get clean

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Through Synaptic package manager when marking packages for installation and hitting "Apply," you have the option (a checkbox) to download the packages only. Choose all the packages you want even if you don't want to install them and check the checkbox. This will download them all into the apt cache located at /var/cache/apt/archives. To clear the cache afterwards type in the terminal

sudo apt-get clean
So if I get it right I can only connect the computer to the internet once and use Synaptic package manager to download all the packages I want without installing them. That sounds not too bad :D thanks!

(to Ash-Bash: it's not a matter of wireless/ethernet, it's just that at the location where I want to use ubuntu I have no internet connection whatsoever... I can though bring the computer, an old laptop, within internet reach but I don't want to do that every time I find out I need a specific package, so if I can download most of the packages I will possibly need in one or two sessions I am happy enough...)

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