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problem with div positioning Word Wrap Text In Div.

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problem with div positioningWord Wrap Text In Div.

I need help with this :

I m a blogger user and when I tryed to change adsense ( a div) by absolute  positioning  tags

it just go out of  the post page --I use skyscrapper -- and the div didn respect the post borders

any one could answer me ??

one more thing I need to know that pixel stuff if there is a map or something could help me positioning my divs ...

...Please answer me


-question by x-zenon


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It would be a whole lot easier to help if we could see the page. DIV elements weren't designed (at least not yet) to keep its content within its boundaries. Absolute positioning causes block-level elements to act differently than they would if they were statically or relatively positioned. That is, the only thing affecting its shape is its content unless otherwise defined. So if the DIV element has a predefined width or height that is smaller or equal to the size of the adsense ad, and if there is padding involved but not considered for the DIV's size, it is bound to push the content out a bit. There is a CSS property called "box-sizing" that may help, but it's not supported by all browsers and may still not get you the results you want.

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Yes, a view to the page could help! Also, I didn't understand too much from your post, but the Blogs have a panel where you can move divs around, have you tried it? It's pretty easy and good to configure.

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