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Superbookdeals.com / Amazon Book Purchase - Horrible Review

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I don't know what the hell happen but I have been waiting over a month now for a book that I need, first they give me the wrong book and when I called support I was assured it would be sent out, two weeks later I find out it was never shipped and now I have wait three days to find out if it was shipped out not and I will be really pissed if it isn't. First I won't get hte refund for the book I had to return, and I don't even care it was like $2, hell I don't even care if the person I talk to was nice and fix my problem, although I think it was the same person who helped me the last time. I already gave them a bad rating through their amazon account and now I am giving them a bad review here and on my site. Freaking horrible how they could screw up my order and then not fix it promptly and I have bought some other books from theme before and they got it right, but they lost themselves a customer and I don't even care if they have the lowest price I will be going to someone else from now on.

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Well I thought I give a little update, to start I had called them to see if my book was ever ship and of course not. So I was talking to a different woman this time to see if it was shipped and of course it wasn't, but a few days later I get an Refund email which really ticked me off and so I had to reorder the book, from someone else, and get that sucker ship in 1-2 days. Though I paid a bit more since I bought it through Amazon themselves, I got free shipping out of it and so I got it on Monday about 2-3 weeks ago and so next time I am making sure I never order my books from these people so watch out for this seller on amazon or you will go through the same problems I did.

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I too have had dreadful service from the missnamed superbookdeals, I thought I was ordering from Amazon as I went to their site.

I shall be careful never to use them again! 

-reply by Jenni Bee


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